, Filed Under: From the Executive Director
, Filed Under: Council Business, From the Executive Director
View from Guadalupe Room event space in Rowling Hall.
Dear Friends,
We are excited to announce the dates for the 2023 Fine Arts Advisory Council Fall Meeting! Please save October 26-27, 2023 on you calendar.
Information on a hotel block and the full schedule of events will be forthcoming. In the meantime we can provide the following schedule outline:
Thursday, October 26
Afternoon: New Member Orientation and Executive Committee Meeting
Evening: Full Council Reception, location TBD
Friday, October 27
Full Council Meeting, Rowling Hall, Guadalupe Room (RH4), attached to the AT&T Center
Please watch your inbox for updates and more information, and feel free to reach out to Assistant Director of Development Lauren Cunningham at lauren.cunningham@austin.utexas.edu with any questions.
We look forward to seeing you on campus in October. Have a wonderful summer!
Sondra Lomax
Executive Director of Development
, Filed Under: From the Dean
Dear Friends,
Earlier this month, the biennial Cohen New Works Festival kicked off in the Winship Building. Every two years, the department suspends all classes so that students and faculty can attend more than 30 new productions in this student-run, student-produced festival.
Along with Associate Dean Raquel Monroe, I had the great pleasure of seeing three new works that used the language of performance to explore historical events.
In La Liga de la Decencia, creator Jessica Peña Torres utilized comedy and cabaret aesthetics to talk about a complicated moment in Mexican political and cultural history in the period after World War II. Torres, a graduate student in Performance as Public Practice, explored this period in history with empathy, depth of analysis and so much humor.
In ZAZ: The Big Easy, M.F.A. in Dance candidate Ryan K. Johnson used dance and performance to explore the experiences of dispersed communities in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. The work also highlights the ways in which the resources of a nightclub, music and dancing become genuine fuel for the possibilities of community in the city after the hurricane.
And in ReSourced: Portals of Possibility, M.F.A. in Dance candidate Love Muwwakkil created a gorgeous, body-based work for the festival. The performance starts with a story about dolphins, only for the audience to realize the work is also addressing relationships between people and the ways in which bodies can reflect relationships in dance. The work demonstrates a powerful expansiveness of what small gestures can advance narratively.
I was also fortunate to attend the opening ceremonies, which included a keynote by Idris Goodwin, a playwright, breakbeat poet, content creator and arts champion. In his invitation to jump into the threshold of the theatrical experiment, to boldly explore the possible, he rehearsed the worldmaking power of the arts. Though I know I only scratched the surface of the rich diversity of programs offered throughout the week, I left each of these performances so inspired and excited to see what these creators and performers do next. These experiences reaffirmed the ways the arts advance possibilities, even in the most difficult of circumstances.
Ramón H. Rivera-Servera
Dean, College of Fine Arts
, Filed Under: From the Dean
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for joining me, Susan Rather, and the College of Fine Arts Development Team for the Fine Arts Advisory Council Spring Meeting in Santa Fe! I am especially grateful for your meaningful engagement throughout the entire program and your enthusiastic and well thought out feedback. I cannot express how much I enjoyed getting to experience art and all of the social experiences together in such a beautiful and historic setting – and I hope you enjoyed it too!
A huge thank you to Caroline Schupbach for her seemingly limitless hospitality. Thank you so much for welcoming us into your second home, showing us your favorite spots, and leading your fellow council members in thinking about the ways they might best impact the future of the arts and higher education in Texas and beyond.
Thank you to Mary Kehoe for opening your beautiful home to us on the final night of our trip. The view was spectacular and the company was even better!
Finally, this trip would not have been possible without the fantastic work of Sondra Lomax and her team, especially Gina Hollis, Blake Turner, Natalie Seeboth, and Lauren Cunningham.
I hope to see you all again soon and certainly on campus this fall.
Ramón H. Rivera-Servera
, Filed Under: From the Dean
Dear Friends,
Austin is buzzing with visitors this week for SXSW, and UT has a bold presence there this year.
At the larger conference and festival, we had multiple faculty members sharing their work and expertise on panels throughout the week. Assistant Professor of Design Jiabao Li had three events at SXSW, including two panels and a screening of Once a Glacier, an XR film she directed.
On Saturday, I dropped by Discover Texas: UT@SXSW in the Rainey Street neighborhood. UT Austin took over the popular venue Bangers for the day to showcase the many ways that our faculty, students and alumni make a positive impact in our city, state and beyond.
President Hartzell marched into the venue with the Longhorn Band, and our college had amazing work on view at the event, including a 10-foot replica of the UT Tower. The model was built in Texas Performing Arts’ Fabrication Studios and with projection design by students in the Department of Arts and Entertainment Technologies. A life-size model of a Lamborghini with projection design by our students was also on view at the event.
Thanks to everyone who made the UT@SXSW event possible. I was so proud to see our students’ creativity and work on such prominent display.
Ramón H. Rivera-Servera
Dean, College of Fine Arts
, Filed Under: From the Dean
, Filed Under: From the Executive Director
, Filed Under: From the Dean
, Filed Under: Council Business
Dear Council Members,
We are looking forward to a fantastic Spring semester with you, starting with nominations for new member to join the Fine Arts Advisory Council in Fall 2023. If you have friends or colleagues that would be interested in supporting the College of Fine Arts as a member of our council, please nominate them by Friday, March 10th.
To gauge interest, please share the Fine Arts Advisory Council Website, including the member responsibilities page, with prospective new members.
This year, we have moved to a completely digital nomination process. You can find the online nomination form here, which can be filled out either by the nominator or the nominee. Once the form is completed, I will reach out to both the nominee and nominator(s) to confirm.
Nominations will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee, and a slate of approved nominees will be put to a vote by the full council via email before the end of April.
Please let me know if you have questions about nominations or any other council business.
As always, thank you for all you do for the College of Fine Arts!
Lauren Cunningham
Assistant Director of Development
, Filed Under: From the Dean