Ground Improvement and Grouting Geotechnics “GIGGs”

The Ground Improvement and Grouting Geotechnics “GIGGs” Industry Affiliates Program is hosted by the Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. Prof. Chadi El Mohtar serves as the program director and primary advisor to the graduate students with assistance by colleagues from across campus, with particular expertise in material science, environmental engineering, among others, as deemed appropriate by the selected projects.
GIGGs brings together the major players in the grouting and ground improvement industry (Owners, Suppliers, Contractors, Consultants and Researchers) to work closely on addressing current challenges facing the grouting/ground improvement industry through the merger of fundamental research and practical applications.

GIGGs serves as a platform for proactive research in anticipation of upcoming opportunities for Grouting/Ground Improvement to address urgent environmental and geotechnical challenges through bridging the expertise of the participating industry affiliates and research resources at The University of Texas at Austin.