Not too long ago, I received a ticket from a user who was having quota issues and could not account for what was using up their Exchange quota. With a simple Exchange Management Shell one-liner, I was able to provide a list of every folder in that user’s mailbox, the number of items in each folder, and size of the folder contents:
[PS] E:\working\scripts>Get-MailboxFolderStatistics jane.user | sort-object item sinfolder -descending | ft Name, FolderPath, ItemsInFolder, FolderSize -auto Name FolderPath ItemsInFolder FolderSize ---- ---------- ------------- ---------- Inbox /Inbox 33 103574B Calendar /Calendar 25 64012B Deleted Items /Deleted Items 7 9101B Sent Items /Sent Items 6 7690B Notes /Notes 0 0B Outbox /Outbox 0 0B Tasks /Tasks 0 0B RSS Feeds /RSS Feeds 0 0B Contacts /Contacts 0 0B Top of Information Store / 0 0B Drafts /Drafts 0 0B Junk E-Mail /Junk E-Mail 0 0B Journal /Journal 0 0B
But wait, there’s more. As mentioned in my previous article, I’ve encountered issues with folders which have leading or trailing whitespace in their name. Sure enough, I was able to crank out a simple one-liner to list all folders possessing this defect:
[PS] E:\working\scripts>get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | Get-MailboxFolderStatistics | where {($_.Name -like "* ") -or ($_.Name -like " *")} | fl Name,Identity,FolderPath[PS] E:\working\scripts>get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | Get-MailboxFolderSta tistics | where {($_.Name -like "* ") -or ($_.Name -like " *")} | fl Name,Identi ty,FolderPath