Alumni Liaison
This is a position created for the purpose of recruiting alumni for HAP. This position is open to students in all regions. As a chair of this committee, you will be responsible for:
- Serving as a communication bridge between UT Alumni and HAP
- Proposing events and ideas for alumni participation in the organization
Community Service
This position is responsible for organizing community service events for the membership.
This Culture Committee Chair is responsible for promoting and educating the college on Hispanic cultures. We are looking for some new, innovative ideas on how to celebrate the following events:
- Hispanic Heritage Month
- Dia de los muertos
- 16 de septiembre
- Culture Day
- Cinco de Mayo
This position is responsible for brainstorming new merchandise ideas and tabling. Other duties include:
- Ordering Merchandise
- Designing member shirts
Health Education
This position is responsible for promoting health education within the college and community, as well as:
- Deciding on a disease state for HAP to educate others
- Designing a poster
- UT Explore booth
Social and Public Relations:
This position is responsible organizing social events, encouraging a sense of “phamilia” and promoting HAP by using social media and other forms of networking. There is a lot of room in this position for creativity and growth. You will also be expected to:
- Order food for general meetings
- Plan the end of year HAP Banquet
Regional Delegate:
The Regional Delegate will be responsible for communication between established or potential chapters. Other duties include:
- Answering questions about establishing a HAP chapter at other schools
- Scouting potential opportunities for HAP establishment
- Collaborating with students from all regions
Spanish Proficiency:
This position is responsible for developing Spanish lessons and teaching them at general meetings. They will also be expected to organize the Spanish Seminar.