Peer-Reviewed Articles
Conway, F. N., Kane, H., Bingaman, A., Kennedy, P., Tang, E., Patel, S.V., Cance, J.D. (2024). User experience of a just-in-time smartphone resonance breathing application for substance use disorder: Acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility. Substance Use & Addiction Journal. Online First.
Conway, F. N., Espinosa, A., Ruglass, L. M., Alexander, W. & Sheffer, C. E. (2024). It’s not just Black and White: Identifying the combined influence of multi-level determinants of tobacco use among Black adolescents. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Online First.
Conway, F. N., Todaro, S.M., Lesnewich, L.M., de Souza, N.L., Nolen, E., Samora, J., Jeong, H., Buckman, J.F. (2024). Athletes and aggression: A systematic review of physical and verbal off-field behaviors. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 78, 101977.
Conway, F. N., Kane, H., Dorsainvil, M., Kennedy, P., Cance, J.D. (2024). Mobile resonance frequency breathing smartphone application to support recovery among people with opioid use disorder: Study protocol for feasibility study. PLoS ONE, 19(1), e0296278.
Claborn, K. R., Conway, F. N., & Nydegger, L. A. (2024). Acceptability and perceived utility of virtual reality among people who are incarcerated who use drugs. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 30(2), 82–96.
Samora, J., Jeong, H., Conway, F. N., Claborn, K.R. (2024). Applications of immersive virtual reality for illicit substance use: a systematic review. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 85(2), 158-167.
Saalfield, J., Piersol, K., Esopenko, C., Bates, M.E., Weismiller, S.A., Brostrand, K., Todaro, S.M., Conway, F. N., Wilde, E.A. & Buckman, J.F. (2024). Digital neuropsychological test performance in a large sample of uninjured collegiate athletes. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 31(2), 155–161.
Espinosa, A., Conway, F. N., Ruglass, L. M., & Sheffer, C. E. (2023). Differences among factors associated with tobacco product use among Black and White adolescents: A cross-sectional analysis of wave one of the PATH study 2013–2014. aTobacco Induced Diseases, 21, 1-12
Espinosa, A., Ruglass, L. M., Conway, F. N. (2023). The relative contribution of ethnic identity and ethnic discrimination on alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use disorders among Hispanic/Latin American individuals. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, 153, 208963.
Claborn, K. Cance, J., Kane, H., Hairgrove, S., Conway, F. N. (2023). “If it didn’t get reported, it didn’t happen:” Current non-fatal overdose reporting practices among non-traditional reporters in Texas. Substance Use & Misuse, 58(6), 828–831.
Claborn, K., Samora, J., McCormick, K. Whittfield, Q., Courtois, F., Lozada, K., Sledge, D., Burwell, A., Chavez, S., Bailey, J., Bailey, C., Pederson, C.D., Zagorski, C., Hill, L., Conway, F. N., Holleran Steiker, L., Cance, J., Potter, J. (2023) “We do it ourselves:” Strengths and opportunities for improving the practice of harm reduction. aHarm Reduction Journal, 20 (1),70.
Conway, F. N., Brinkley, K., Jeong, H., Samora, J., Clinton, N., & Claborn, K.R. (2022) Impact of COVID-19 among people who use drugs: A qualitative study with harm reduction workers and people who use drugs. Harm Reduction Journal, 19, 72.
Conway, F. N., Samora, J., Brinkley, K., Jeong, H., Clinton, N., & Claborn, K. R. (2022) Impact of COVID-19 among people who use drugs: A qualitative study with harm reduction workers and people who use drugs. Harm Reduction Journal, 19(1), 72.
Graham, S., Conway, F. N., Bottner, R., & Claborn, K. (2022). Opioid use stigmatization and destigmatization in healthcare professional social media. Addiction Research & Theory, 30(5), 375-381.
Espinosa, A., Ruglass, L. M., Conway, F. N., Jackson, K. M., & White, H. R. (2022). Motives, frequency, and consequences of cannabis use among college students. Journal of Drug Issues. Journal of Drug Issues, 53(1), 61-78.
Claborn K.R., Creech S., Conway F. N., Clinton N.M., Brinkley K.T., Lippard, E., Ramos, T., Samora, J., Miri, A., Benzer, J. (2022) Development of a digital platform to improve community response to overdose and prevention among harm reduction organizations. Harm Reduction Journal, 19(1), 62.
Saalfield, J., Piersol, K. L., Monaco, R., Womack, J., Weismiller, S. A., Esopenko, C., Todaro, S. M., Conway, F. N., Brostrand, K., & Buckman, J. F. (2022). Comparison of concurrent and same-day balance measurement approaches in a large sample of uninjured collegiate athletes. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 17(2), 228.
Conway, F. N., Rountree, M. A., & Jones, K. V. (2021) Serving the Co-Morbid Mental Health and Substance Use Needs of People with HIV. Community Mental Health Journal, 1-12. Published Online First.
de Souza, N. L., Esopenko, C., Conway, F. N., Todaro, S. M., & Buckman, J. F. (2021). Patterns of health behaviors affecting mental health in collegiate athletes. Journal of American College Health, 1-8.
Weismiller, S.A., Monaco, R., Womack, J., Alderman, B., Esopenko, C., Conway, F. N., Brostrand, K., Brown, A. & Buckman, J.F. (2021). Individual baseline balance assessments in a large sample of incoming NCAA Division I athletes using a force plate system. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 16(1), 126-133.
Conway, F. N., Sokolovsky, A., Jackson, K.M., & White, H.R. (2020). Simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use: A brief measure of motives. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 81(2), 203-211.
Conway, F. N., Domingues, M., Monaco, R., Lesnewich, L., Ray, A.E., Alderman, B.L., Todaro, S.M., & Buckman, J.F. (2020). Concussion symptom underreporting among incoming national collegiate athletic association division I college athletes. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 30(3), 203-209.
Esopenko, C., de Souza, N., Conway, F. N., Todaro, S. M., Brostrand, K., Womack, J., Monaco, R., & Buckman, J. F. (2020) Bigger necks are not enough: An examination of neck circumference in incoming college athletes. The Journal of Primary Prevention 41(5), 421-429.
Lesnewich, L. M., Conway, F. N., Buckman, J. F., Brush, C. J., Ehmann, P. J., Eddie, D., … & Bates, M. E. (2019). Associations of depression severity with heart rate and heart rate variability in young adults across normative and clinical populations. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 142, 57-65.
Eddie, D., Conway, F. N., Alayan, N., Buckman, J., & Bates, M. E. (2018). Assessing heart rate variability biofeedback as an adjunct to college recovery housing programs. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 92, 70-76.
White, H.R., Conway, F.N., Buckman, J.F., & Loeber, R. (2018). Does Substance use exacerbate escalation along developmental pathways of covert and overt externalizing behaviors among young men? Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 4(2), 137-147.
Deglau, E., Ray, A., Conway, F., Carre-Lee, N., Waldman, W., Cunningham, K., Harrison, T., Bales, H., & Powell, T. (2015). Practice change in child welfare: The interface of training and social work education, Journal of Social Work Education, 51(sup2), S153-S172.
Conway, F., McCarthy, J., Talreja, P., & Conway, F. (2013). Thought disorder and language disorder among sexually abused children in a psychiatric hospital. Psychological Reports, 112(2), 340-352.
Book Chapters
White H.R., Conway F. N., Ward J.H. (2019) Comorbidity of Substance Use and Violence. In: Krohn M., Hendrix N., Penly Hall G., Lizotte A. (eds) Handbook on Crime and Deviance (pp. 513-532). Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research. Springer, Cham. Switzerland.
Book Reviews
Conway, F. & Conway, F. (2012). Book Review: So far away: A daughter’s memoir of life, loss, and love. Journal of Women & Aging, 24(2), 171-173.
Selected Presentations
Invited Talks
Conway, F. N. (2024, September). Just-in-Time Smartphone Resonance Breathing for Self-management of Drug Cravings, Stress, and Anxiety. Providers Clinical Support System Series. Council on Social Work Education, Virtual.
Conway, F. N. (2023, April). Technology-assisted interventions for substance use disorders. Seminar Series for the Psychology & Neuroscience Department, Baylor University, Waco, TX.
Conway, F. N. (2023, April). Discrimination and other factors of emerging importance: Influences on substance use among individuals of African and Hispanic ancestry. Bridges to Baccalaureate Seminar, The City College of New York, Virtual.
Conway, F. N. (2022, September). Resonance breathing: A neuro-cardiac intervention for drug craving. NIDA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) Big South-West Node Journal Club Session, Virtual.
Conway, F. N. (2022, March). Biosocial Research: Mobile Biofeedback Training for Substance Use Relapse Prevention. Center for Health Promotion Research Colloquium Speaker. The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing, Austin, TX.
Conway, F. N. (2021, November). Mobile Heart Rate Biofeedback Training for Relapse Prevention. TxMOUD Community of Practice ECHO. Virtual Workshop.
Perrotte, J.K., Meshesha, L., Conway, F. N., Lopez-Vergara, H., Montes, K., Lui, P., Joyner, K. (2021, April). Diversity and Inclusion in Addictions Research: A Discussion about Challenges and Solutions. Co- moderator. Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Conference. Virtual Conference.
Conway, F. N. & Nolen, E., (2021, January). Living and Thriving in the Spring Semester: Cultivating Self-Compassion and Embodied Wellness. School of Undergraduate Studies. University of Texas at Austin, Virtual Workshop.
Uehara, E.S., Conway, F. N. , Huber-Krum, S., Moone, R. (2020, November). Doctoral Student Recognition & Forum on Successfully Navigating the Job Market. Panelist. Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Virtual Conference.
Holleran-Steiker, L. & Conway, F. N. (2020, November). Living and Thriving During Fall Break. Student Engagement Series: First Year on the Forty. University of Texas at Austin, Virtual Workshop.
Conway, F. N., (2020, July). Technology-Assisted Addiction Science. Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addiction Research Seminar Series, University of Texas at Austin. Virtual Seminar.
Conway, F. N., (2020, April). Opportunities for Social Workers to Engage in Collaborative Research. Doctorate Program Colloquium Series. Steve Hicks School of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin. Austin, TX.
Conway, F. N., (2019, November). Addiction Science and Technology Assisted Interventions. Population Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
Conway, F. N., (2019, September). Biological Mechanisms of Behavior Change: Cardiovascular Functioning and Behavioral Health Disorders. Advisory Council, Steve Hicks School of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin. Austin, TX.
Conway, F.N., (2019, April). Obtaining and Maximizing Time During an Addiction-Focused Postdoctoral Fellowship. Panelist. Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Conference, Providence, RI.
Oral Presentations
Kennedy, P., Conway, F. N., (2023, April). Mobile resonance breathing for substance use relapse prevention. Waggoner Center Advance, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
Conway, F. N., Espinosa, A., Ruglass, L.M., Alexander, W., Sheffer, C.E., (2023, March). Profiles of Black adolescents with unique patterns of factors related to tobacco use. Oral Presentation. Annual Meeting Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, San Antonio, TX.
Conway, F. N., Nolen, E., Moore, J., Jeong, H., Tang, E., Kennedy, P. (2022, April). Relapse Prevention: Mobile Biofeedback Breathing Intervention. Oral Presentation. Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Conference, Portland, OR.
Ogle, K., Conway, F. N., Shifflet, S., Ramos, T., Brinkley, K., Claborn, K. (2022, February). Exploring the Impact of Anxiety, Depression, and Fear of COVID-19 on Overdose and HIV/Sexual Risk Behaviors. Oral Presentation. Annual Meeting of the Texas Research Society on Alcoholism, Virtual.
Claborn, K., Benzer, J., Creech, S., Conway, F. N., Lippard, E., Miri, A. (2021, October) Multisectoral Partnership to Develop a System-level Intervention to Improve Overdose Surveillance among Community-based Harm Reduction Organizations. Oral Presentation. Addiction Health Services Research. Virtual Conference.
Claborn, K., Conway, F. N., Brinkley, K., Ramos, T., Samora, J., Clinton, N., Jeong, H. (2021, August). Addressing the Syndemic Effects of COVID-19 and Illicit Drug Use Among People Who Use Drugs. Oral Presentation. American Psychological Association, Virtual Conference.
Claborn, K., Conway, F. N., Creech, S., Lippard, E. (2020, November). The Impact of COVID-19 on Highly Vulnerable Patients with Psychiatric Disorders. Oral Presentation. University of Texas COVID-19 Conference, Virtual Conference.
Brinkley, K., Samora, J., Welch, A., Conway, F. N., Claborn, K. (2020, November). The Impact of COVID-19 on Drug Use Patterns Among People Who Use Drug. Oral Presentation. University of Texas COVID-19 Conference, Virtual Conference.
Claborn, K., Conway, F. N., Nydegger, L., Nordquist, E., Nolen, E., Brinkley, K., Hill, R. (2020, February). Acceptability and Utility of Virtual Reality among People who are Incarcerated who use Drugs. Oral Presentation. Annual Meeting of the Texas Research Society on Alcoholism, College Station, TX.
Poster Presentations
Alexander. W, Espinosa, A., Ruglass, L.M., Conway, F. N., Sheffer, C.E., (2024, June). Mental Health & Tobacco Use Initiation among a Nationally Representative Sample of Black Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Montreal, ON.
Espinosa, A., Ruglass, L.M., Conway, F. N., Alexander, W. & Sheffer, C. E. (2024, April). Trajectories of tobacco use across profiles of Hispanic and NH White adolescent PATH study respondents. Poster Presentation. APA Division 50: Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Meeting, Denver, CO.
Jeong, J., Conway, F. N., Samora, J., Clinton, N. & Claborn, K.R. (2023, October). Impact of COVID-19 among people who use drugs: Substance use course development Implications. Poster Presentation. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Alexander, W., Espinosa, A., Ruglass, L. M., Conway, F. N., & Sheffer, C. E. (2023, June). Investigating sex differences in the relations between parent/guardian promotion of tobacco abstinence & tobacco use in a nationally representative sample of Black adolescents. Poster Presentation. Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Denver, CO.
Espinosa, A., Conway, F. N., Ruglass, L. M., Sheffer, C.E. (2023, March). Differences in sociocultural, environmental, psychological, and behavioral correlates of tobacco use between White and Black adolescents: A cross-sectional examination of PATH study data. Poster Presentation. Annual Meeting Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, San Antonio, TX.
Conway, F. N., Espinosa, A., Ruglass, L.M., Alexander, W., Sheffer, C.E., (2023, February). Classes of sociocultural, environmental, psychological, and behavioral determinants of tobacco use among black adolescents. Poster Presentation. Annual Meeting of the Texas Research Society on Alcoholism, Bryan, TX.
Lippard, E.T.C., Conway, F. N., Claborn, K.R., Ogle, K. (2023, February). Longitudinal correlates of suicide ideation in people who use drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster Presentation. Annual Meeting of the Texas Research Society on Alcoholism, Bryan, TX.
Tretyak, V. Claborn, K.,Conway, F. N., Bond, M., Kirsch, D.E., Le, V., Fromme, K., Lippard, E.T.C. (2021, June). Alcohol Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Role of Recent Perceived Distress and Coping Drinking Motives in Individuals who use Drugs. Poster Presentation. Research Society on Alcoholism, Virtual Conference.
Espinosa, A., Ruglass, L.M., Conway, F. N., Jackson, K.M., White, H.R. (2021, June). Profiles of Motives for Cannabis Use and Differences in Frequency and Consequences of Use among U.S. College Students. Poster Presentation. College on Problems of Drug Dependence: Annual Scientific Meeting, Virtual Conference.
Conway, F. N., Moore, J., Nolen, E., Samora, J., Ahsen, A.S., Jeong, H., Cheng, A. (2021, April). Relapse Prevention: Mobile Biofeedback Breathing Intervention. Poster Presentation. The Texas Substance Use Symposium, Virtual Conference.
Jeong, H., Conway, F. N., Kalvakuntla, S., Paramasivam, P., Patel, P., Sequeira, N., Claborn, K., (2020, November). Harm Reduction Workers’ Perspectives on How COVID-19 is Impacting People Who Use Drugs. Poster Presentation. St. David’s Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research: 19th Annual Conference, Virtual Conference.
Brinkley, K., Samora, J.,Conway, F. N., Kalvakuntla, S., Paramasivam, P., Patel, P., Sequeira, N., Claborn, K., (2020, November). Harm Reduction Workers’ Perspectives on How COVID-19 is Impacting People Who Use Drugs. Poster Presentation. University of Texas COVID-19 Conference, Virtual Conference.
Claborn, K., Conway, F. N., Nydegger, L., Nordquist, E., Nolen, E., Brinkley, K., Hill, R. (2020, April). Virtual Reality in the Jail System among People who use Drugs. Poster Presentation. Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Conference, Virtual Conference.
Conway, F. N., Sokolovsky, A., Jackson, K.M., & White, H.R. (2019, April). Simultaneous Alcohol and Marijuana Use: A Brief Measure of Motives. Poster Presentation. Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Conference, Providence, RI.