Jan 2025: Dr. Hutter received Advisor of the Year Award from the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Board (MEGSB)!
Dec 2024: Our group presented two posters at the 2024 Defense TechConnect Innovation Summit and Expo, Austin, TX – “Development of an Evaporation-Based Preconcentrator for Trace Detection in Defense Applications” and “Advanced respiratory monitoring for enhanced performance and safety.”
Sep 2024: Luis Moncada presented a poster titled “Development of an optical microfluidic chip for characterization of protein aggregates” at the UT Austin and MD Anderson Collaborative Research Summit.
Sep 2024: New article highlighting Tse-Ang Lee’s latest paper on microdialysis for ethanol metabolism in the brain in a published in Alcohol. See Texas Materials Institute (TMI) news webpage.
July 2024: Dr. Hutter receives NSF CAREER Award!!! The project titled “3D Architecture for High-Performance Thermally-Controlled Gas Sorption” will conduct innovative research aimed at advancing the thermal control of porous materials for enhanced gas sorption applications.
July 2024: Dr. Hutter won the Posse’s Choice Award for pitching our remote COPD patient monitoring technology at the Texas Health Catalyst and Dell Medical School, Roundup & Rodeo at the Capital Factory.
May 2024: Tse-Ang presenting a poster titled “Measuring Ethanol and Its Metabolites in the Rat Brain: In Vivo Analysis of Oral Ethanol Self-Administration” at the 19th International MMiN Conference May 13-16, 2024.
May 2024: Texas Materials Institute (TMI) news featuring our work – UT Austin’s Medical Device is Featured at Inside Out Event.
Apr 2024: Huge congratulations to Aminur Rachid Chowdhury for defending is PhD thesis titled “Preconcentration, detection and degradation of volatile organic compounds.”
Dec 2023: Tanya Hutter receives Outstanding Teaching by an Assistant Professor Award from the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Oct 2023: Texas Materials feature article “Hutter Lab Ensures Safe Hand Sanitizers through Infrared Spectroscopy”
Aug 2023: Texas Materials Institute (TMI) newsletter featuring our respiratory tech.
July 2023: News article about our respiratory tech “UT Austin Engineers Advance Respiratory Health Tech via NSF’s National Innovation Corps Program“.
June 2023: Prof. Rueben Gonzales presented our recent NIH NIAAA funded work on the simultaneous measurement of ethanol and its metabolites at the 46th Annual Research Society on Alcohol (RSA) Scientific Meeting in Bellevue, Washington.
June 2023: Texas Engineering magazine is out now with the cover story about battery research at UT mentioning our group!
June 2023: Congratulations to Tse-Ang Lee, Waggoner Center for Alcoholism and Addiction Research (WCAAR) Executive Committee approved the renewal of his Bruce/Jones Graduate Fellowship in Addiction Biology for the 2023-2024 academic year!
April 2023: Well done to the Senior Design team members, Divjot Walia, Shree Trivedi, Satyavan Malpani and Luke Fryklund, for great work developing the BreathIQ mask and for delivering an amazing final presentation on their project!
Mar 2023: Nick Kaitschuck presented his poster Hydrolysis of the uranium trioxide polymorphs: Applications of Photothermal Spectroscopy at the American Chemical Society Spring 2023 Conference.
Mar 2023: Our group presented three posters at the UT-Sandia day at Austin. Thanks to our collaborators Ting (Wille) Luk, Christopher Delaney, Sergei Ivanov, Remi Dingerville and Philip Miller!
Mar 2023: We presented posters for the departmental graduate recruitment event. In the photo Aminur is presenting his work on optical detection of biomarkers in exhaled breath.
Aug 2022: We received a two year R21 grant from NIH from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) for development of a novel optical probe for continuous real-time in vivo study of brain alcohol. The project is a collaboration with Prof. Rueben Gonzales from the College of Pharmacy.

Aug 2022: Congratulations to our graduate student Tse-Ang Lee who was selected by the Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addition Research (WCAAR) Executive Committee to receive a Bruce/Jones Graduate Fellowship in Addiction Biology for the 2022-2023 academic year!
July 2022: Congratulations to Aminur Rachid Chowdhury, Tse-Ang Lee and Coco Day for the publication of a review paper and cover art in Wiley Advanced Materials Interfaces journal! A Review of Preconcentrator Materials, Flow Regimes and Detection Technologies for Gas Adsorption and Sensing can be found here: DOI
June 2022: Tse-Ang Lee attended the 45th Annual Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) Scientific Meeting in Orlando, and presented a poster titled “Quantitative characterization of a microdialysis probe using ethanol as test analyte”
May 2022: Amazing job to the recent ME graduates who completed their Senior Design Project on building a low-cost open source stylus profilometer. The full report and all the design files are available here. Photo: Hannah Bickham, Emilee Dicken, Natalie Jaecks and Niklaus Zora.
April 2022: Dr. Hutter’s seminar on mid-infrared fiber sensors as a part of Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, a multi-university webinar series.
April 2022: Very proud of our undergraduate research assistants who presented their research at the Longhorn Research Poster Session.
Jessie Peng – Optimizing pathlength for ethanol detection in aqueous solutions
Ziwen Yan – Mechanical deformation of an epoxy resin
Dennis Fer – BTEX detection in a porous silica sensor
Jeremy Boyle and Nitin Premkumar – Development of strain monitoring tools for batteries
March 2022: Dr. Hutter pitching at the Kendra Scott Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute Founder Pitch Competition.
March 2022: Congratulations Aminur on winning the research prize in “GAIN 2022 GRADUATE AND INDUSTRY NETWORKING EVENT”.
March 2022: Aminur Rashid Chowdhury and Tse-Ang Lee welcomed prospective PhD students at the Department of Mechanical Engineering with showcasing their research.
March 2022: Our PhD student Aminur Rashid Chowdhury presented his research work titled “Photocatalytic degradation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using plasmonic Au islands on TiO2” on 2022 #RSCPoster conference. His poster is available on Twitter.
February 2022: Dr. Tanya Hutter admitted as a Fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry! Read the news here.
October 2021: Congratulation to Tanya Hutter, who won 1st prize (Faculty/Staff category) at the Inaugural Female Founder Pitch Competition Highlights UT Women-Owned, Women-Led Startups. Together with colleagues, the team aims to improve safety of laparoscopic surgery. Watch the InjuriSense video for more information!
June 2021: Tanya Hutter receives L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science – 2021 Ambassador Fund award.
May 2021: End-of-semester research presentations. Well done everyone on your hard work during Spring 2021!
May 2021: Congratulations to our undergraduate students Adriane Morales, David King, Nehali Shah and Bhargavi Sarangapani for receiving the StartUP Grant, and to John Hearn for receiving OUR Student Researcher Award. They will be working this summer on reactor monitoring, gas sensors, blood rheology and PFAS detection projects.
Apr 2021: Virtual 2021 Longhorn Research Poster Session – our Undergraduate Research Assistants present three posters:
- “Why Optical, Point- of-Care Microfluidics to Measure Blood Viscosity and Coagulation is a Necessity” by Bhargavi Sarangapani, Nehali Shah
- “Detection of Toxins in Hand Sanitizers using NIR Spectroscopy” by Umar Burney, Aminur Rachid Chowdhury, Tse-Ang Lee
- “Simulating Adsorption of COVID-19 Virus Particles in Nanoporous Material” by Fadi Istelinides, Tse-Ang Lee
Apr 2021: This Friday, Aminur will present his research at the Sensors RIG seminar. He will be talking about near-infrared measurement of common toxins (methanol and 1-propanol) in hand sanitizers. Youtube link
Mar 2021: Congratulations to Neha Reddy Thippana and Bhargavi Ramesh Sarangapani for receiving the Undergraduate Research Fellowship for their research projects!
Jan 2021: We are excited to welcome two new group members joining us this month – Dr Pallabi Samaddar as Research Fellow and Nirmalay Barua as a PhD Student.
Jan 2021: Amazing work by Tse-Ang Lee who made this wonderful image for RSC Analyst journal cover for a paper titled “Temporally resolved thermal desorption of volatile organics from nanoporous silica preconcentrator“.
Dec 2020: End of semester group meeting and research presentations. Amazing work everyone!
Oct 2020: Happy to share that our undergraduate research student, Fadi Istelinides, has been selected as a recipient of the Undergraduate Research Fellowship for his research proposal “Simulation of Virus Adsorption Characteristics in Fluids Inside Nanoporous Material”. Well done Fadi!
Aug 2020: Launch of Sensors Research Interest Group (RIG)! We are excited to connect researchers with interests in sensor materials, methods, devices and sensor applications. This group provides an opportunity to exchange ideas, present early findings, and explore collaborations and interdisciplinary funding opportunities. Get in touch if you want to find out more!
May 2020: Congratulations to Aminur Chowdhury and Tse-Ang Lee who won 2nd prize at the Inaugural Texas Health Catalyst Research4Impact Competition for their project on developing a preconcentrator for volatile biomarkers for medical applications!
Feb 2020: Join a seminar by Markus Mangold from IRSweep (Switzerland) on the 02/28/2020 ETC 2.114. Markus will talk about High-speed mid-infrared spectroscopy with quantum cascade laser frequency combs. Seminar details: Mangold Seminar Poster.
Feb 2020: Hutter Research Group presented the research opportunities to the potential PhD Students to MS&E.
Nov 2019: We wish Dr. Tanya Hutter and Tse-Ang Lee a very happy birthday.
Oct 2019: Aminur’s review paper “Tailoring the viscosity of water and ethylene glycol based TiO2 nanofluids” has been published online in the Journal of Molecular Liquids. Congratulations!