Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
- Nicholas Kaitschuck, Ashley E. Shields, Kathryn M. Peruski, Jordan M. Roach, Tanya Hutter, Sheldon Landsberger, Andrew J. Miskowiec, Rodney D. Hunt, Tyler L. Spano, An experimental and computational investigation of the structure and spectroscopic signatures of α-UO3, Radiochimica Acta, 2025 (DOI).
- Tse-Ang Lee, Hongjoo J. Lee, Regina A. Mangieri , Rueben Gonzales , Heba Ajmal, Tanya Hutter, Time-course concentration of ethanol, acetaldehyde and acetate in rat brain dialysate following alcohol self-administration, Alcohol 123, 69-76, 2024 (DOI).
- Tse-Ang Lee, Jessie Peng, Maarig Qureshi, Rueben A. Gonzales, Tanya Hutter, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Microdialysis Probes for Ethanol Metabolism Studies, RSC Analytical Methods, 16, 4322-4332, 2024 (DOI).
- Swayamdipta Bhaduri, Tse-Ang Lee, Jessie Peng, Maarig Qureshi, Rueben A. Gonzales, Tanya Hutter, Experimental Investigation of Regenerated Cellulose Microdialysis Probe Sterilization, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 141 (21) e55395, 2024 (DOI).
- Alicia Casacchia, Matthew J. Uden, Tanya Hutter, Preston S. Wilson, Mark F. Hamilton, Cryoprotectant agent characterization via acoustical and optical analyses, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 155, A344–A345, 2024 (DOI).
- Chisomo Zimphango, Farah C. Alimagham, Tanya Hutter, Peter J. Hutchinson, Keri L.H. Carpenter, Quantification of pyruvate in-vitro using mid-infrared spectroscopy: developing a system for microdialysis monitoring in traumatic brain injury patients, Brain and Spine, 102686, 2023 (DOI).
- Aminur Rashid Chowdhury, Umar Burney, David King, Tse-Ang Lee, Dan Hutter and Tanya Hutter, Detection of Toxic Contaminants in Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Using Infrared Spectroscopy, Applied Spectroscopy Practica 1 (2), 2023 (DOI).
- Benjamin Siu, Aminur Rashid Chowdhury, Ziwen Yan, Simon M. Humphrey and Tanya Hutter, Selective adsorption of volatile organic compounds in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), Coordination Chemistry Reviews 485, 215119, 2023 (DOI).
- Coco Day, Nirmalay Barua and Tanya Hutter, Porous Silica Preconcentrator for Selective Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds Detection: Effects of Surface Functionalization and Humidity, AIP Applied Physics Reviews, 10, 021401 2023 (DOI).
Coco Day, Tse-Ang Lee, Nirmalay Barua and Tanya Hutter, Performance Evaluation of an Ambient Volatile Organics Sensor based on Mesoporous Silica Preconcentrator and a Photoionization Detector, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical 355, 114320, 2023 (DOI).
- Nirmalay Barua, William T. Winter, Serrita McAuley, Joshua Prestage, Andrew R. Salmon, Paul T. Clackson, Hye-Jeong Lee, Tse-Ang Lee, Yixian Wang and Tanya Hutter, Spectral comparison of nanoporous silica-adsorbed organic molecules with gaseous and liquid states using a new waveguide technology, Vibrational Spectroscopy 125, 103496, 2023 (DOI).
- Tse-Ang Lee, Rueben A. Gonzales and Tanya Hutter, Parametric study of a microdialysis probe and study of depletion effect using ethanol as a test analyte, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC) 637, 136-143, 2022 (DOI).
- Pallabi Samaddar, Jinchuan Hu, Nirmalay Barua, Yixian Wang, Tse-Ang Lee, Masa Prodanovic, Zoya Heidari and Tanya Hutter, Sorption kinetics and sequential adsorption analysis of volatile organic compounds on mesoporous silica, ACS Omega 7, 47, 43130-43138, 2022 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Thomas S. Collings, Gratsiela Kostova and Fiona E. Karet Frankl, Point-of-care and self-testing for potassium: recent advances, RSC Sensors & Diagnostics, 1, 614-626, 2022 (DOI).
- Aminur Rachid Chowdhury, Tse-Ang Lee, Coco Day and Tanya Hutter, A Review of Preconcentrator Materials, Flow Regimes and Detection Technologies for Gas Adsorption and Sensing, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9, 2200632, 2022 (DOI)
- Chisomo Zimphango, Farah C. Alimagham, Keri L. H. Carpenter, Peter J. Hutchinson, Tanya Hutter, Monitoring Neurochemistry in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Using Microdialysis Integrated with Biosensors: A Review, Metabolites – Special Issue Biochemical and Physiological Perspectives of Brain Energy Metabolism 12, 5, 393, 2022 (DOI).
- Hongchang Hao, Tanya Hutter, Brad Boyce, John Watt, Pengcheng Liu and David Mitlin, Review of Multifunctional Separators: Stabilizing the Cathode and the Anode for Alkali (Li, Na, K) Metal – Sulfur and Selenium Batteries, Chemical Reviews 122, 9, 8053-8125, 2022 (DOI).
- Joshua Prestage, Coco Day, Shamus L.G. Husheer, William T. Winter, Wah O. Ho, John R. Saffell and Tanya Hutter, Selective Detection of Volatile Organics in a Mixture Using a Photoionization Detector and Thermal Desorption from a Nanoporous Preconcentrator, ACS Sensors 7, 1, 304-311, 2021 (DOI).
- Pengcheng Liu, Hongchang Hao, Hugo Celio, Jinlei Cui, Muqing Ren, Yixian Wang, Hui Dong, Aminur Rashid Chowdhury, Tanya Hutter, Frédéric A Perras, Jagjit Nanda, John Watt, David Mitlin, Multifunctional Separator Allows Stable Cycling of Potassium Metal Anodes and of Potassium Metal Batteries, Advanced Materials 34, 7, 2105855, 2021 (DOI).
- Farah Alimagham, Dan Hutter, Núria Marcó-García, Emma Gould, Victoria Highland, Anna Huefner, Susan Giorgi-Coll, Monica Killen, Agnieszka Zakrzewska, Stephen R. Elliott, Keri Carpenter, Peter Hutchinson and Tanya Hutter, Cerebral microdialysate metabolite monitoring using mid-infrared spectroscopy, ACS Analytical Chemistry 93, 35, 11929-11936, 2021 (DOI).
- Farah Alimagham, James Winterburn, Ben Dolman, Patrícia Maia Domingues, Francesca Everest, Max Platkov, Svetlana Basov, Gregory Izakson, Abraham Katzir, Stephen R. Elliott, and Tanya Hutter, Real-time bioprocess monitoring using a mid-infrared fibre-optic sensor, Biochemical Engineering Journal 167, 107889, 2021 (DOI).
- William Winter, Coco Day, Joshua Prestage and Tanya Hutter, Temporally resolved thermal desorption of volatile organics from nanoporous silica preconcentrator, RSC Analyst 146, 109-117, 2021 (DOI).
- Coco Day, Nathan Rowe and Tanya Hutter, Nanoporous Silica Preconcentrator for Vapor-Phase DMNB, a Detection Taggant for Explosives, ACS Omega 5, 29, 18073–18079, 2020 (DOI).
- Farah Alimagham, Max Platkov, Joshua Prestage, Svetlana Basov, Gregory Izakson, Abraham Katzir, Stephen Elliott and Tanya Hutter, Mid-IR Evanescent-field Fiber Sensor with Enhanced Sensitivity for Volatile Organic Compounds, RSC Advances 9, 21186-21191, 2019 (DOI).
- Coco Day, Sindre Sopstad, Hanbin Ma, Chen Jiang, Arokia Nathan, Stephen R. Elliott, Fiona E. Karet Frankl and Tanya Hutter, Impedance-based sensor for potassium ions, Analytica Chimica Acta 1034, 39-45, 2018 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Stephen R. Elliott and Sumeet Mahajan, Optical fibre tip probes for SERS: numerical study for design considerations, Optics Express 26(12), 155539-15550, 2018 (DOI).
- William Anderson, Kamila Nowinska, Tanya Hutter, Sumeet Mahajan and Martin Fischlechner, Tuning Plasmons Layer-by-Layer for Quantitative Colloidal Sensing with Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Nanoscale, 10, 7138-7146. 2018 (DOI).
- James D. Manton, Josephine A. E. Hughes, Oliver Bonner, Omar A. Amjad, Philip Mair, Isabella Miele, Tiesheng Wang, Vitaly Levdik, Richard D. Hall, Géraldine Baekelandt, Fernando da Cruz Vasconcellos, Oliver Hadeler, Tanya Hutter and Clemens F. Kaminski, Development of an open technology sensor suite for assisted living — a student-led research project, Interface Focus 6: 20160018, 2016 (DOI).
- Li Li, Tanya Hutter, Wenwu Li and Sumeet Mahajan, Single nanoparticle-based heteronanojunction as a plasmon ruler for measuring dielectric thin films, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6 (12) 2282-2286, 2015 (DOI).
- Sumeet Mahajan, Tanya Hutter, Ulrich Steiner and Pola Goldberg-Oppenheimer, Tuneable microstructured surface enhanced Raman scattering substrates via electrohydrodynamic lithography, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4 (23) 4153-4159, 2013 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Sumeet Mahajan and Stephen R. Elliott, Near-field optical enhancement by lead-sulfide quantum dots and metallic nanoparticles for SERS, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 44 (9) 1292-1298, 2013 (DOI).
- Nikolaos Bamiedakis, Tanya Hutter, Richard V. Penty, Ian H. White and Stephen R. Elliott, PCB-integrated optical waveguide sensors: an ammonia gas sensor, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31 (10) 1628-1635, 2013 (DOI).
- Li Li, Tanya Hutter, Ullrich Steiner and Sumeet Mahajan, Single molecule SERS and detection of biomolecules with single gold nanoparticle on mirror junctions, Analyst, 138 (16), 4574-4578, 2013 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Stephen R. Elliott and Sumeet Mahajan, Near-field plasmonics of individual dielectric nanoparticles above a metallic substrate, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (15), 7784, 2013 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Stephen R. Elliott and Shlomo Ruschin, Dynamic range enhancement and phase-ambiguity elimination in wavelength-interrogated interferometric sensor, Sensors and Actuators B, 178, 593-597, 2013 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Stephen R. Elliott and Sumeet Mahajan, Interaction of metallic nanoparticles with dielectric substrates: effect of optical constants, Nanotechnology 24 (3) 035201, 2013 (DOI).
- Pola Goldberg-Oppenheimer, Tanya Hutter, Bingan Chen, John Robertson, Stephan Hofmann and Sumeet Mahajan, Optimized vertical carbon nanotube forests for multiplex surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 3 (23) 3486, 2012 (DOI).
- Li Li, Tanya Hutter, Alexander Finnemore, Fu Min Huang, Jeremy J. Baumberg, Stephen R. Elliott, Ullrich Steiner and Sumeet Mahajan, Metal-oxide nanoparticle mediated enhanced-Raman scattering and its use in direct monitoring of interfacial chemical reactions, Nano Letters, 12 (8) 4242-4246, 2012 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Wolfgang A. C. Bauer, Stephen R. Elliott and Wilhelm T. S. Huck, Formation of spherical and non-spherical liquid metal microdroplets in microfluidic channels at room temperature, Advanced Functional Materials, 22 (12) 2624-2631, 2012 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Charles Linder, Eliahu Heldman and Sarina Grinberg, Interfacial and self-assembly properties of bolaamphiphilic compounds derived from a multifunctional oil, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 365 (1) 53-62, 2012 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Nadav Amdursky, Rinat Gepshtein, Stephen Elliott and Dan Huppert, Study of Thioflavin-T immobilized in porous silicon and the effect of different organic vapours on the fluorescence lifetime, Langmuir, 27 (12), 7587–7594, 2011 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Moran Horesh and Shlomo Ruschin, Method for increasing reliability in gas detection based on indicator gradient in a sensor array, Sensors and Actuators B, 152 (1) 29-36, 2011 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter and Shlomo Ruschin, Non-imaging optical method for multi-sensing of gases based on porous silicon, IEEE Sensors Journal, 10 (1) 97-103, 2010 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Itay Presiado, Shlomo Ruschin and Dan Huppert, The protic properties of water confined in the pores of oxidized porous silicon studied by excited-state proton transfer from a photoacid, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (5) 2341-2348, 2010 (DOI).
- Michael A. Golub, Tanya Hutter, and Shlomo Ruschin, Diffractive optical elements with porous silicon layers, Applied Optics, 49 (8) 1341-1349, 2010 (DOI).
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings Papers
- Yufeng Su and Tanya Hutter, Imaging of Microparticles Separated by the Coffee Ring Effect via Infrared Photothermal Spectroscopy, in Optica Imaging Congress (3D, COSI, DH, FLatOptics, IS, pcAOP), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper ITh3E.2, August 2023 (DOI).
- Tse-Ang Lee, Jessie Peng, Gina Kowal, Rueben Gonzales and Tanya Hutter, Infrared spectroscopy for neurochemical monitoring of alcohol and its metabolites, Proc. SPIE 12397, Frontiers in Biological Detection: From Nanosensors to Systems XV, 1239704 (17 March 2023) (DOI).
- Tse-Ang Lee, Gina Kowal, Jessie Peng, and Tanya Hutter, Real-time in situ study of adsorption kinetics in PMMA thin films using infrared spectroscopy, in Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2022 (3D, AOA, COSI, ISA, pcAOP), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper JW2A.7, July 2022 (DOI).
- Nirmalay Barua, William T. Winter, Serrita A. McAuley, Paul T. Clarkson, Joshua Prestage, Andrew R. Salmon, and Tanya Hutter, Adsorption of volatile organic compounds inside a nanoporous silica waveguide, in Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2022 (AIS, LACSEA, Sensors, ES), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper EM1D.3, 2022 (DOI).
- Aminur Rashid Chowdhury, Ting Shan Luk, and Tanya Hutter, Plasmonic gold nanoisland on TiO2: effect of dewetting temperature, in Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2022 (FIO, LS), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper JW5A.20, October 2022 (DOI).
- Coco Day and Tanya Hutter, Improved Gas-Phase Infrared Analysis of Nitrobenzene using Nanoporous Silica Preconcentrator, in OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES), OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper SM2C.5, 2021 (DOI).
- Aminur Rashid Chowdhury, Umar Burney, Dan Hutter, Tse-Ang Lee and Tanya Hutter, Detection of toxic chemicals in hand sanitizers using near-infrared spectroscopy, in OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES), OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper AW6E.5, July 2021 (DOI).
- Tse-Ang Lee, Aminur Rashid Chowdhury and Tanya Hutter, IR Spectroscopy of Aqueous Ethanol Solutions: Dispersive versus Single-chip FT-IR, in OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES), OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper AW6E.4, July 2021 (DOI).
- K.B. Vinayakumar, Marco Martins, João Gaspar and Tanya Hutter, Ionization potential tunable pyroelectric ambient pressure multi-gas detection platform, 2021 IEEE 34th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Gainesville, FL, USA, pp. 795-798, 2021 (DOI).
- Farah Alimagham and Tanya Hutter, Integration of IR Fiber Optics and Microfluidics for Sensing Applications, in Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2020), paper SW3F.2, June 2020 (DOI).
- Liam Trimby, Farah Alimagham, Arseny Alexeev, David Wright and Tanya Hutter, Metamaterials-based IR Sensor with Internal Reference for Chemical Detection, in Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2020), paper JW5C.6, June 2020 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Gilmore Wellio, Joanna Chan, Alexander V. Kellarev, Stephen R. Elliott and Shlomo Ruschin, Optical layout for the measurement of a porous silicon sensor array, in 2017 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper CH_9_5 (DOI).
- Nikolaos Bamiedakis, Tanya Hutter, Richard V. Penty, Ian H. White, Stephen R. Elliott, Low-cost PCB-integrated polymer waveguide sensor for gas detection, in CLEO:2011 – Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, OSA Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, 2011, paper CThC5 (DOI).
- Nikolaos Bamiedakis, Tanya Hutter, Richard V. Penty, Ian H. White, Stephen R. Elliott, PCB-integrated optical gas sensor, Proceedings of IEEE Photonics 2011 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter, Nikos Bamiedakis and Stephen Elliott, Theoretical study of porous silicon waveguides and their applicability for vapour sensing, Proceedings of the COMSOL Conference 2010 Paris, 2010.
Conference Talks (* presenter)
- [Invited conference talk] Tse-Ang Lee, Zhenyang Xiao, David Burghoff, Tanya Hutter*, Development of a mid-infrared fiber sensor for molecular monitoring, SPIE Photonics West, Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics, Treatment, and Environmental Applications XXV, San Francisco, 25-January-2025.
- Nicholas Kaitschuck*, Kathryn Peruski, Jordan Roach, Andrew Miskowiec, Tanya Hutter, Sheldon Landsberger, Tyler Spano, Thermal Stability and decomposition mechanisms of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate, American Chemical Society Spring 2024, New Orleans, CA, Mar 17-21, 2024.
- [Invited conference talk] Tanya Hutter*, Smart Materials and Devices for Sensing and Degradation of Toxic Gases, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2023 Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures, and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS), Session 05-05 Smart Sensors, Paper Number: 117727, Austin, TX 13-Sep-2023.
- Yufeng Su and Tanya Hutter*, Imaging of Microparticles Separated by the Coffee Ring Effect via Infrared Photothermal Spectroscopy, in Optica Imaging Congress 2023, Boston, MA August, 14 – 17, 2023.
- [Invited conference talk] Tanya Hutter*, Nanoporous-core waveguide for near-infrared spectroscopic measurements of gases, Optica Sensing Congress 2023, 01-Aug-2023.
- [Invited conference talk] Tse-Ang Lee, Jessie Peng, Gina Kowal, Rueben Gonzales, Tanya Hutter*, Infrared spectroscopy for neurochemical monitoring of alcohol and its metabolites, SPIE Photonics West – Frontiers in Biological Detection: From Nanosensors to Systems XV, San Francisco, 29-January-2023.
- Tanya Hutter*, Self-monitoring of blood potassium levels – are we there yet? Sensors in Medicine 2022, virtual, 11-November-2022.
- Aminur Rashid Chowdhury,* David King, TS Luk and Tanya Hutter, Development of plasmonic Au on TiO2, The Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) User Research Showcase, September 2022.
- Nirmalay Barua, William T. Winter, Serrita A. McAuley, Paul T. Clarkson, Joshua Prestage, Andrew R. Salmon, and Tanya Hutter*, Adsorption of volatile organic compounds inside a nanoporous silica waveguide, Optica, 2022 Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, virtual, 11-July-2022.
- Tanya Hutter*, Mid-infrared fiber sensors, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, a multi-university webinar series, online, 22-April-2022.
- [Invited conference talk] Farah C. Alimagham, Dan Hutter, Núria M. García, Emma Gould, Victoria H. Highland, Anna Huefner, Susan Giorgi-Coll, Stephen R. Elliott, Keri L.H. Carpenter, Peter J. Hutchinson, Tanya Hutter*, Mid-infrared Spectroscopy for Medical and Industrial Applications – Monitoring of Brain Chemistry, Bioprocess and Volatile Organics, 2021 Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SWRM 2021), Oct 31-Nov 3, 2021, AT&T Hotel and Conference Center, Austin, USA, 2-Nov-2021.
- Tanya Hutter*, Silver halide mid-infrared fiber optic probe for in situ monitoring of bioprocess and volatile organic compounds, Grand Rounds Seminar, virtual 15-Apr-2021.
- Farah C. Alimagham, Dan Hutter, Núria M. García, Emma Gould, Victoria H. Highland, Anna Huefner, Susan Giorgi-Coll, Stephen R. Elliott, Keri L.H. Carpenter, Peter J. Hutchinson, Tanya Hutter*, Monitoring of cerebral metabolites via mid-infrared spectroscopy for traumatic brain injury patients, 3rd International Conference on Analytical and Bioanalytical Methods (ABC2021), October 18-20, 2021, virtual 18-Oct-2021.
- Tanya Hutter*, Molecular sensor technologies for clinical applications: examples, challenges and future directions, Waggoner Center for Alcohol & Addiction Research Seminar, virtual 13-Oct-2021.
- Coco Day and Tanya Hutter*, Improved Gas-Phase Infrared Analysis of Nitrobenzene using Nanoporous Silica Preconcentrator, Spectroscopic Chemical and Biological Sensing (SM2C) OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021, Presentation Number: M2C.5 virtual, 19-July-2021.
- Farah Alimagham, Max Platkov, Svetlana Basov, Gregory Izakson, Abraham Katzir, Joshua Prestage, James Winterburn, Ben Dolman, Patrícia Maia Domingues, Francesca Everest, Stephen R. Elliott and Tanya Hutter*, Silver halide mid-infrared fiber optic probe for in situ monitoring of bioprocess and volatile organic compounds, The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (Pittcon 2021), March 8-12, 2021, virtual 10-Mar-2021.
- Farah Alimagham and Tanya Hutter*, Integration of IR fiber optics and microfluidics for sensing applications, Sensors I, OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2020, June 22-26, 2020, Presentation Number: SW3F.2, virtual, 24-June-2020.
- [Invited conference talk] Tanya Hutter*, Optical sensors for environmental applications, Sensors 2019: Sensors and Networks for Environmental Monitoring, London, UK, 26-June-2019.
Poster Presentations (* presenter)
- Yufeng Su*, Tanya Hutter, Development of an Evaporation-Based Preconcentrator for Trace Detection in Defense Applications, 2024 Defense TechConnect Innovation Summit and Expo, Austin, TX, December 3-5, 2024.
- Nirmalay Barua, Limus Kim, Abirami Sachithanandam, Tanya Hutter*, Advanced respiratory monitoring for enhanced performance and safety, 2024 Defense TechConnect Innovation Summit and Expo, Austin, TX, December 3-5, 2024.
- Luis Henrique Moncada*, Ruben Gomez-Gutierrez, Jiacheng Ma, Jim Ray and Tanya Hutter, Development of an optical microfluidic chip for characterization of protein aggregates, UT Austin and MD Anderson Collaborative Research Summit, Austin TX September 27, 2024.
- Tse-Ang Lee*, Hongjoo J Lee, Rueben Gonzales, Heba Ajmal, Regina Mangleri and Tanya Hutter, Measuring Ethanol and Its Metabolites in the Rat Brain: In Vivo Analysis of Oral Ethanol Self-Administration, 19th International MMiN Conference May 13-16, 2024.
- Tse-Ang Lee, Hongjoo J Lee, Rueben Gonzales*, Heba Ajmal, Regina Mangleri and Tanya Hutter, Rat brain ethanol, acetaldehyde and acetate concentrations following alcohol self-administration, Translational Neuroscience of Alcohol: Integration of Basic and Clinical Research, Alcohol and the Nervous System Gordon Research Conference, Galveston TX, Feb 11-16, 2024
- Nirmalay Barua and Tanya Hutter,* Highly sensitive waveguide for on-chip detection of gases in the infrared spectral region, Photonics Online Meetup POM2023, November 13-14, 2023.
- Tse-Ang Lee, Rueben Gonzales* and Tanya Hutter, Simultaneous measurement of ethanol and its metabolites, the 46th Annual Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) Scientific Meeting (RSA-2023), June 24-28, 2023, Bellevue, Washington.
- Aminur Rashid Chowdhury, * David King, TS Luk and Tanya Hutter, Photocatalytic degradation of VOCs using plasmonic gold on TiO2 photocatalyst, UT-Sandia Day Research Symposium, March 2023
- Nirmalay Barua, Dennis Fer, William T. Hunter, Setrita McAuley, Joshua Prestage, Andrew R Salmon, Paul T. Clarkson, Tanya Hutter, Porous Waveguide Gas Sensor for Toxic Volatile Organic Compounds Detection, UTME Graduate Poster Competition, March 2023.
- Aminur Rashid Chowdhury,* Bralen Dulin, Kaavi Saravanan and Tanya Hutter, Detection of acetone in human breath using a dual-comb QCL and a multipass gas cell, UTME Graduate Poster Competition, March 2023.
- Nicholas Kaitschuck*, Aminur Rachid Chowdhury, Tanya Hutter, Sheldon Landsberger and Talyer L Spano, Hydrolysis of the uranium trioxide polymorphs: Applications of Photothermal Spectroscopy, American Chemical Society Spring 2023 Conference, Indianapolis, IN, March 26-30, 2023.
- Aminur Rashid Chowdhury, * Bralen Dulin, Kaavi Saravanan, Tanya Hutter, Detection of acetone in human breath using a dual-comb QCL and a multipass gas cell, Graduate and Industry Networking Event (GAIN) 2023, January 2023.
- Aminur Rashid Chowdhury,* Tanya Hutter, Plasmonic gold nanoisland on TiO2: effect of dewetting temperature, Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, October 2022.
- Chisomo Zimphango*, Farah C. Alimagham, Monica J. Killen, Agnieszka P. Zakrzewska, Adam M.H Young, Núria Marco-García, Tanya Hutter, Keri L. H. Carpenter and Peter J. Hutchinson, Continuous monitoring of cerebral metabolic changes in traumatic brain injury (TBI) using a microdialysis-coupled mid-infrared sensor, INTS 2022 — 15th International Neurotrauma Symposium, Berlin, Germany, July 10-13, 2022.
- Tse-Ang Lee,* Rueben Gonzales and Tanya Hutter, Quantitative characterization of a microdialysis probe using ethanol as test analyte, the 45th Annual Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) Scientific Meeting (RSA-2022), June 25-29, 2022, Orlando, Florida.
- Jeremy Boyle,* Nitin Premkumar* and Tanya Hutter, Development of strain monitoring tools for batteries, UT Longhorn Research Poster Session, The University of Texas at Austin, 20-Apr-2022.
- Jessie Peng,* Tse-Ang Lee, Rueben Gonzales and Tanya Hutter, Optimizing pathlength for ethanol detection in aqueous solutions, UT Longhorn Research Poster Session, The University of Texas at Austin, 20-Apr-2022.
- Ziwen Yan,* Kenneth Liechti and Tanya Hutter, Mechanical deformation of an epoxy resin, UT Longhorn Research Poster Session, The University of Texas at Austin, 20-Apr-2022.
- Dennis Fer,* Nirmalay Barua and Tanya Hutter, BTEX detection in a porous silica sensor, UT Longhorn Research Poster Session, The University of Texas at Austin, 20-Apr-2022.
- Farah Alimagham, Coco Day, Joshua Prestage, William Winter and Tanya Hutter,* Nanomaterials and Sensors for Improved Detection of Volatile Organics, 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021), virtual presentation on 20-Dec-2021.
- Chisomo Zimphango,* Farah C. Alimagham, Monica Killen, Agnieszka Radwańska, Adam Young, Núria M. García, Tanya Hutter, Keri L.H. Carpenter and Peter J. Hutchinson, Continuous neurochemical measurements in traumatically injured brain using a microdialysis coupled mid-infrared sensor, British Neurosurgical Research Group Meeting 2021, November 25 – 26, 2021.
- Farah C. Alimagham, Dan Hutter, Núria M. García, Emma Gould, Victoria H. Highland, Anna Huefner, Susan Giorgi-Coll, Stephen R. Elliott, Keri L.H. Carpenter, Peter J. Hutchinson, Tanya Hutter,* Mid-infrared Spectroscopy for Measurement of Cerebral Microdialysate Metabolites Associated with Traumatic Brain Injury, SciX 2021 Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Sep 26-Oct 1, 2021, Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence RI, USA and virtual, virtual presentation on 29-Sep-2021.
- KB Vinayakumar*, Marco Martins, Joao Gaspar and Tanya Hutter, Ionization potential tunable pyroelectric ambient pressure multi-gas detection platform, The 34th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems MEMS2021, poster T-217.e, virtual presentation on 26-Jan-2021.
- Aminur Rashid Chowdhury, Tse-Ang Lee and Tanya Hutter, Infrared spectroscopic study of methanol contaminant in ethanol-glycerol based hand sanitizers, SCIX 2020 Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, virtual 15-Oct-2020.
- Tse-Ang Lee, Umar Burney, Aminur Rashid Chowdhury and Tanya Hutter, Optimization of ethanol-water solution measurement with near-infrared spectroscopy, SCIX 2020 Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, virtual 15-Oct-2020.
Book Chapters
- Tanya Hutter and Shlomo Ruschin, Some methods for improving the reliability of optical porous silicon sensors, invited book chapter in ‘Advances in Chemical Sensors’, InTech 2012 (DOI).
- Tanya Hutter and Shlomo Ruschin, Device and method for optical sensing of substances or environmental conditions – US 9013707B2, CN 102317760 B.
- Tanya Hutter, Sensing methods and apparatus – UK Patent Application No. 1407770.5, United States Patent Application No. 15/308164, 2014.
- Tanya Hutter, Elizabeth E. Niell and Grzegorz A. Orlowski, Ion-selective electrode, GB 1904137.5, 2019
- Tanya Hutter and William T. Winter, Detector and method, GB 1906433.6, 2019.
- Tanya Hutter, Farah Alimagham, Keri Carpenter and Peter Hutchinson, Microdialysis sensor, GB1916168.6.
- Tanya Hutter, Yufeng Su, Biomolecule preconcentrator, 63/677,035
Not peer-reviewed contributions
- Tanya Hutter, A Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) Transceiver Design: Project Report, Texas ScholarWorks, 01-Nov-2024 (DOI).
- Hannah Bickham, Emilee Dicken, Natalie Jaecks, Niklaus Zora, Nadia Hannon, Claire Sexton, Colby Jeffus, Sulaiman Kazi, Danielle Pettinger, Nathaniel Heathman, Ryan Benavides, Jacob Grodin, Kristin Norris, Abhishek Routray, Yu-Chuen Chang, Tanya Hutter and Michael Cullinan, DIY Affordable, Low-Resolution Stylus Profilometer, Texas ScholarWorks, 27-May-2022 (DOI).
- Anna V. Hutter and Tanya Hutter, Measurement of electric and magnetic radiation from an electric toothbrush, Texas ScholarWorks, 24-April-2022 (DOI).
- Jessie Peng, Tse-Ang Lee and Tanya Hutter, Near-infrared spectra of aqueous glucose solutions, Texas ScholarWorks, 22-March-2022 (DOI).
- João R. Crespo, Stephen R. Elliott, Tanya Hutter and Hugo Águas, Development of a low-cost Arduino-based potentiostat, Texas ScholarWorks, 2021 (DOI).