General Meeting #6

Join us at our final general meeting of the semester! We will be talking about officer applications for next year and will be playing Gartic phone!

Date: Monday, April 26, 2021

Time: 5-6 pm

Zoom ID: 983 7384 8261



PI^2 Presentation

At our 4th general meeting, guest speakers from PI² would be presenting about the PE (Professional Engineering Exam) and EIT (Engineering in Training) in the Utility Industry. Make sure to come if both of these apply to you!

Date: March 8, 2021, 5-6 PM

Zoom ID: 983 7384 8261

Spyfall Social w/ WECE

At our 3rd General Meeting, we will be having a social with WECE! We are going to be playing the game, Spyfall! Come and get to meet members of the Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering and other members of IEEE PES.

Date: February 22, 2021, 5-6 pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 983 7384 8261


General Meeting #2 & Fireside Chat

Our next general meeting would be on Feb. 8th from 5-6 pm. We will be also having a Fireside Chat with Dr. Alex J. Hanson! He is an ECE professor, who specializes in Power Electronics! It will be a casual Q&A session so come with questions!

Zoom Meeting ID: 983 7384 8261

January IEEE PES Events

Welcome back, everyone!!! WHOOO, It’s 2021!!!

IEEE PES has exciting events planned for this semester! So look forward to them!

Our first meeting of the semester would be on January 25, 2021, from 5 – 6 pm on Zoom. It will be a career planning workshop in preparation for the Spring EXPO. More information about the meeting will be available through the newsletter and slack.

Meeting ID: 98373848261



Chevron Phillips Chemical Tech Talk w/ IEEE PES

Join us on our first virtual tech talk with Chevron Phillips Chemical! Chevron Phillips Chemical will discuss their company, the manufacturing environment for a EE, internship and full time opportunities, and perform a case study. They are participating in the virtual career fair, and look forward to meeting with students on behalf of CPChem to answer any questions you may have about the company and employment opportunities. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the company!

Date: September 09, 2020

Time: 7-8pm

RSVP Link: (Has the zoom meeting ID)


Texas Instruments Tech Talk w/ IEEE PES

Join us on our virtual tech talk with Texas Instruments! Representatives are going to be there to talk more about the company and you’ll have a chance to ask them questions. (They make so much more than calculators!)

Date: September 30, 2020

Time: 7-8pm

Location:  Virtual (More info to come on our Facebook page/Newsletter)