
Switchgrass Meeting, 2019

Switchgrass V Conference at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, July 24, 2019

Panicum Hallii Mutant Phenotyping

Phenotyping the Panicum hallii mutant population at Stengl Lost Pines Biological Station

Switchgrass IV

Switchgrass IV Conference 2017

FRI REU 2019

Undergraduates (FRI-REU) summer research poster presentation, July 31,2019.Left to right: Brady, Chase & Kevin. Great work guys!

Spider House Hangout

Hangout at Spider House – March 22nd, 2019

Birthday Celebration!!!

Salt Lick

Lab out at Salt Lick 2014: Xiaoyu, Hanyu, Albina, Juan, Amalia, Jason, Brandon, Beth, Tina, Liz

Planting a switchgrass field in Temple, TX

  • Juenger Lab Potluck – 2016