Weile Chen YW, and Juenger FBFTE. The genetic basis of the root economics spectrum in a perennial grass. PNAS [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Li Zhang, Alice MacQueen JB, Felix B Fritschi, David B Lowry TJE. QTL × environment interactions underlie ionome divergence in switchgrass. G3 [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Michael J. Aspinwall TEJ, Tissue PDRARDT. Intraspecific Variation in Plant Responses to Atmospheric CO2, Temperature, and Water Availability. In: Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Climate Change. Springer. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Alaa A.Said AHMQ, HaithamShawky MR, Thomas E.Juenger ME-S. Genome-wide association mapping of genotype-environment interactions affecting yield-related traits of spring wheat grown in three watering regimes. Environmental and Experimental Botany [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Mueller UG, Melissa R Kardish, Alexis L Carlson KBJEMA, Chad C Smith, Chi-Chun Fang DDML. Artificial Selection on Microbiomes To Breed Microbiomes That Confer Salt Tolerance to Plants. Msystems [Internet]. 6 (6) :e01125-21. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
John T Lovell, Alice H MacQueen SMJBJND, Adam Session, Shengqiang Shu KBSB, Aren Ewing, Paul P Grabowski THMH, Anna Lipzen, Thomas H Pendergast CPPQESV, Rita Sharma, Ada Stewart VSYTR, Melissa Williams, Guohong Albert Wu YY, Kathrine D Behrman, Arvid R Boe PFFFAB, Juan Manuel Martínez-Reyna, Roser Matamala RMB, Michael Udvardi, Rod A Wing YWLBE, Daniel S Rokhsar, Jane Grimwood TJJSE. Genomic mechanisms of climate adaptation in polyploid bioenergy switchgrass. Nature [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Jae Young Choi, Liliia R Abdulkina JYICJLIAPYBTAG, Samsad Razzaque, Dorothy E Shippen TJESMPEVD. Natural variation in plant telomere length is associated with flowering time. The Plant Cell [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Esther Singer JVP, Trent Northen CMJ, Juenger TE. Novel and Emerging Capabilities that Can Provide a Holistic Understanding of the Plant Root Microbiome. Phytobiomes Journal [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Palacio-Mejía JD, Grabowski PP, Ortiz EM, Silva-Arias GA, Haque T, Marais DDL, Bonnette J, Lowry DB, Juenger TE. Geographic patterns of genomic diversity and structure in the C4 grass Panicum hallii across its natural distribution. AoB Plants [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Chieppa J, Brown T, Giresi P, Juenger TE, de Dios VR, Tissue DT, Aspinwall MJ. Climate and stomatal traits drive covariation in nighttime stomatal conductance and daytime gas exchange rates in a widespread C4 grass. New Phytologist [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Jennifer Bragg PT, Li Zhang, Tina Williams DW, John T. Lovell, Adam Healey JSJEBPCLC, Juenger T, Tobias CM. Environmentally responsive QTL controlling surface wax load in switchgrass. Theoretical and Applied Genetics [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Xua W, Yua G, Zarea A, Zurwellerb B, Rowlandc DL, Reyes-Cabrerad J, Fritschi FB, Matamalae R, Juenger TE. Overcoming small minirhizotron datasets using transfer learning. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture [Internet]. 175. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Yu G, Zare A, Sheng H, Matamala R, Reyes-Cabrera J, Fritschi FB, Juenger TE. Root identification in minirhizotron imagery with multiple instance learning. Machine Vision and Applications [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
VanWallendael A, Bonnette J, Juenger TE, Felix B Fritschi, Philip A Fay RMJL‐RFRJGBDLBMC. Geographic variation in the genetic basis of resistance to leaf rust between locally adapted ecotypes of the biofuel crop switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). New Phytologist [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Heckman RW, Khasanova AR, Johnson NS, Weber S, Bonnette JE, Aspinwall MJ, Reichmann LG, Juenger TE, Fay PA, Hawkes CV. Plant biomass, not plant economics traits, determines responses of soil CO2 efflux to precipitation in the C4 grass Panicum virgatum. Journal of Ecology [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
MacQueen AH, White JW, Lee R, Osorno JM, Schmutz J, Miklas PN, Myers J, McClean PE, Juenger TE. Genetic Associations in Four Decades of Multi-Environment Trials Reveal Agronomic Trait Evolution in Common Bean. Genetics [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
DeLeo VL, Menge DNL, Hanks EM, Juenger TE, Lasky JR. Effects of two centuries of global environmental variation on phenology and physiology of Arabidopsis thaliana. Global Change Biology [Internet]. 26 (2) :523-538. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Bellis ES, Bhaskara GB, Juenger TE, Lasky JR. Genomics of sorghum local adaptation to a parasitic plant. PNAS [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
DeLeo VL, Menge DNL, Hanks EM, Juenger TE, Lasky JR. Effects of two centuries of global environmental variation on phenology and physiology of Arabidopsis thaliana. Global Change Biology [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Liliia R. Abdulkina, Callie Kobayashi JTL, …., Juenger TE, Shakirov EV. Components of the ribosome biogenesis pathway underlie establishment of telomere length set point in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications [Internet]. 10 (5479). Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Esther Singer, Jason Bonnette, Bonnette J, Woyke T, Juenger TE. Conservation of Endophyte Bacterial Community Structure Across Two Panicum Grass Species. Frontiers in Microbiology [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Lowry D, Lovell J, Zhang L, Bonnette J, Fay PA, Mitchell RB, Lloyd-Reilley J, Boe AR, Wu Y, Francis M. Rouquette Jr. RLW, et al. QTL × environment interactions underlie adaptive divergence in switchgrass across a large latitudinal gradient. PNAS [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Razzaque S, Elias S, Haque T, Biswas S, Jewel GMNA, Rahman S, Weng X, Ismail AM, Walia H, Juenger TE, et al. Gene Expression analysis associated with salt stress in a reciprocally crossed rice population. Scientific Reports [Internet]. 9 (Article number: 8249 ). Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Duszynska D, Vilhjalmsson B, Bravo RC, Swamidatta S, Juenger TE, Donoghue MTA, Comte A, Nordborg M, Sharbel TF, Brychkova G, et al. Transgenerational efects of inter‑ploidy cross direction on reproduction and F2 seed development of Arabidopsis thaliana F1 hybrid triploids. Plant Reproduction [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Khasanova A, Lovell J, Bonnette J, Weng X, Jenkins J, Yoshinga Y, Schmutz J, Juenger T. The genetic architecture of shoot and root trait divergence between mesic and xeric ecotypes of a perennial grass. Frontiers in Plant Science [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Weng X, Lovell J, Schwartz S, Cheng C, Haque T, Zhang L, Razzaque S, Juenger T. Complex interactions between day-length and diurnal patterns of gene expression drive photoperiodic responses in a perennial C4grass. Plant, Cell & Environment [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Zhang L, Juenger T, Lowry DB, Behrman KD. Climatic Impact, Future Biomass Production, and Local Adaptation of Four Switchgrass Cultivars. GCB Bioenergy [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Shawn Christopher Kenaley, Gary C Bergstrom, ZK Montes Ortiz, Acer Van Wallendael DLB, JE Bonnette TJE. First Report of the Head Smut Fungus Tilletia maclaganii Affecting Switchgrass in Texas. Plant Disease [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Kalladan R, Sharma S, Thomas Juenger, David L Des Marais PVE. Natural variation in 9-cis-epoxycartenoid dioxygenase 3 and ABA accumulation. Plant physiology [Internet]. :01185.2018. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Esther Singer, Jason Bonnette, Shawn Kenaley, Tanja Woyke, Juenger TE. Plant compartment and genetic variation drive microbiome composition in switchgrass roots. Environmental microbiology reports [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Billie A Gould, Juan Diego Palacio-Mejia, Jenkins J, Barry K, Thomas E Juenger DLB. Population genomics and climate adaptation of a C4 perennial grass, Panicum hallii (Poaceae). BMC genomics [Internet]. 19 (1) :792. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Li Zhang, Thomas E Juenger JOM, Behrman KD. Sensitivity Analysis of the APEX Model for Assessing Sustainability of Switchgrass Grown for Biofuel Production in Central Texas. BioEnergy Research [Internet]. 11 (1) :69-85. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Lovell J, Jenkins J, Lowry D, Juenger … TE. The genomic landscape of molecular responses to natural drought in Pancum hallii. Nature Communications [Internet]. 9 :5213. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Milano ER, Payne CE, Wolfrum E, Lovell JT, Jenkins J, Schmutz J, Juenger TE. Quantitative trait loci for cell wall composition traits measured using near-infrared spectroscopy in the model C4 perennial grass Panicum hallii. Biotechnology for Biofuels [Internet]. 11 (25) :https://doi.org/10.1186/s13068-018-1033-z. Publisher’s VersionAbstract
Campitelli BE, Kenney AM, Hopkins R, Soule J, Lovell JT, Juenger TE. Genetic mapping reveals an anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway gene potentially influencingevolutionary divergence between two subspecies of scarlet gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata). Molecular Biology and Evolution [Internet]. (msx318) :https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msx318. Publisher’s VersionAbstract campitelli_et_al2017.pdf
Lemmon EM, Juenger TE. Geographic variation in hybridization across a reinforcementcontact zone of chorus frogs (Pseudacris). Ecology and Evolution [Internet]. 7 (22) :9485–9502. Publisher’s VersionAbstract lemmon_et_al-2017-ecology_and_evolution.pdf
Gordon SP, Contreras-Moreira B, Woods DP, Des Marais DL, Burgess D, Shu S, Stritt C, Roulin AC, Schackwitz W, Tyler L, et al. Extensive gene content variation in theBrachypodium distachyon pan-genome correlateswith population structure. Nature Communications [Internet]. (2184) :doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02292-8. Publisher’s VersionAbstract brachypodium_pan-genome.pdf
Razzaque S, Haque T, Elias SM, Rahman S, Biswas S, Schwartz S, Ismail AM, Walia H, Juenger TE, Seraj ZI. Reproductive stage physiologicaland transcriptional responsesto salinity stress in reciprocalpopulations derived from tolerant(Horkuch) and susceptible (IR29)rice. Science Reports [Internet]. 7 (46138) :doi:10.1038/srep46138. Publisher’s VersionAbstract rice_scintfcreprts.pdf
Kalladan R, Lasky JR, Chang TZ, Sharma S, Juenger TE, Verslues PE. Natural variation identifies genes affecting droughtinducedabscisic acid accumulation inArabidopsis thaliana. PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [Internet]. 114 (43) :11536-11541. Publisher’s VersionAbstract pnas-2017-kalladan-1705884114.pdf
Des Marais DL, Lasky JR, Verslues PE, Chang TZ, Juenger TE. Interactive effects of water limitation and elevated temperatureon the physiology, development and fitness of diverse accessionsof Brachypodium distachyon. New Phytologist [Internet]. 214 (1) :132-144. Publisher’s VersionAbstract desmarais_et_al_np_2017.pdf
Milano ER, Lowry DB, Juenger TE. The genetic basis of upland/lowland ecotype divergence in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract milano_e_2016.pdf
Taylor SH, Lowry DB, Aspinwall MJ, Bonnette JE, Fay PA, Juenger TE. QTL and Drought Effects on Leaf Physiology in Lowland Panicum virgatum. BioEnergy Research [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract taylor2016bioenergyres.pdf
Milano ER, Kenney AM, Juenger TE. Adaptive differentiation in floral traits in the presence of high gene flow in scarlet gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata). Molecular Ecology [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract milano_et_al-2016-molecular_ecology.pdf
Lovell JT, Schwartz S, Lowry DB, Shakirov EV, Bonnette JE, Weng X, Wang M, Johnson J, Sreedasyam A, Plott C, et al. Drought responsive gene expression regulatory divergence between upland and lowland ecotypesof a perennial C4 grass. Genome Research [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract genome_res.-2016-lovell-gr.198135.115.pdf
Campitelli BE, Des Marais DL, Juenger TE. Ecological interactions and the fitness effect of water-use efficiency: Competition and drought alter the impact of natural MPK12 alleles in Arabidopsis. Ecology Letters [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract campitelli_et_al-2016-ecology_letters.pdf
Aspinwall MJ, Fay PA, Hawkes CV, Lowry DB, Khasanova A, Bonnette JE, Whitaker BK, Johnson N, Juenger TE. Intraspecific variation in precipitation responses of a widespread C4 grass depends on site water limitation. Journal of Plant Ecology [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract aspinwall_et_al._2016_jpe.pdf
Fransz P, Linc G, Lee C-R, Aflitos SA, Lasky JR, Toomajian C, Ali H, Peters J, Van Dam P, Ji X, et al. Molecular, genetic and evolutionary analysis of a paracentric inversion in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract fransz_et_al-2016-the_plant_journal.pdf
Lovell JT, Shakirov EV, Schwartz S, Lowry DB, Aspinwall MJ, Taylor SH, Bonnette JE, Palacio-Mejía JD, Hawkes CV, Fay PA, et al. Promises and challenges of eco-physiological genomics in the field: tests of drought responses in switchgrass. Plant Physiology [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract plant_physiol.-2016-lovell-pp.16.00545.pdf
Des Marais DL, Razzaque S, Hernandez KM, Garvin DF, Juenger TE. Quantitative trait loci associated with natural diversity in water-useefficiency and response to soil drying in Brachypodium distachyon. Plant Science [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract desmaraisetal_2016.pdf
Ko DK, Rohozinski D, Song Q, Taylor SH, Juenger TE, Harmon FG, Chen JZ. Temporal Shift of Circadian-Mediated Gene Expression and Carbon Fixation Contributes to Biomass Heterosis in Maize Hybrids. PLOS Genetics [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract journal.pgen_.1006197.pdf
Des Marais DL, Juenger TE. Brachypodium and the Abiotic Environment. Plant Genetics and Genomics of Brachypodium [Internet]. 18 (02 October 2015) :291-311. Publisher’s VersionAbstract des_marais_2015.pdf
Lovell JT, Mullen JL, Lowry DB, Awole K, Richards JH, Sen S, Verslues PE, Juenger TE, McKay JK. Exploiting Differential Gene Expression and Epistasis to Discover Candidate Genes for Drought-Associated QTLs in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract john_et.al_2015.pdf
Miller M, Song Q, Shi X, Juenger TE, Chen JZ. Natural variation in timing of stress-responsive gene expression predicts heterosis in intraspecific hybrids of Arabidopsis. Nature Communications [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract miller_et_al_2015.pdf
Lowry DB, Taylor SH, Bonnette J, Aspinwall MJ, Asmus AL, Keitt TH, Tobias CM, Juenger TE. QTLs for Biomass and Developmental Traits in Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). Bioenerg. Res. [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract lowry.pdf
Behrman KD, Juenger TE, Kiniry JR, Keitt TH. Spatial land use trade-offs for maintenance of biodiversity, biofuel, and agriculture. Landscape Ecol [Internet]. Publisher’s VersionAbstract kathrine_et_al_2015.pdf
Lasky JR, Upadhyaya HD, Ramu P, Deshpande S, Hash TC, Bonnette J, Juenger TE, Hyma K, Acharya C, Mitchell SE, et al. Genome-environment associations in sorghum landraces adaptive traits. Science Advances [Internet]. 1 (6) :02-18. Publisher’s VersionAbstract lasky.pdf
Des Marais DL, Skillern WD, Juenger TE. Deeply Diverged Alleles in the Arabidopsis AREB1 Transcription Factor Drive Genome-Wide Differences in Transcriptional Response to the Environment. Mol Biol Evol. 32 (4) :956-69.Abstract
Malcom JW, Hernandez KM, Likos R, Wayne T, Leibold MA, Juenger TE. Extensive cross-environment fitness variation lies along few axes of genetic variation in the model alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. New Phytol. 205 (2) :841-51.Abstract
Lowry DB, Hernandez K, Taylor SH, Meyer E, Logan TL, Barry KW, Chapman JA, Rokhsar DS, Schmutz J, Juenger TE. The genetics of divergence and reproductive isolation between ecotypes of Panicum hallii. New Phytol. 205 (1) :402-14.Abstract
Lowry DB, Behrman KD, Grabowski P, Morris GP, Kiniry JR, Juenger TE. Adaptations between Ecotypes and along Environmental Gradients in Panicum virgatum. American Society of Naturalists [Internet]. 183 (5) :682-692. Publisher’s VersionAbstract lowry_adaptationsbetweenecotypes-2014.pdf
Kenney AM, McKay JK, Richards JH, Juenger TE. Direct and indirect selection on flowering time, water-use efficiency (WUE, delta13C), and WUE plasticity to drought in Arabidopsis thaliana. Ecology and Evolution [Internet]. 4 (23) :4505-4521. Publisher’s VersionAbstract kenney_et_al-2014-ecology_and_evolution.pdf
Gordon SP, Priest H, Des Marais DL, Schackwitz W, Figueroa M, Martin J, Bragg JN, Tyler L, Lee C-R, Bryant D, et al. Genome diversity in Brachypodium distachyon: deep sequencing of highly diverse inbred lines. The Plant Journal [Internet]. (79) :361-374. Publisher’s VersionAbstract gordon_et_al-2014-the_plant_journal.pdf
Meyer E, Aspinwall MJ, Lowry DB, Palacio-Mejía JD, Logan TL, Fay PA, Juenger TE. Integrating transcriptional, metabolomic, and physiological responses to drought stress and recovery in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). BMC Genomics [Internet]. (15) :527. Publisher’s VersionAbstract meyer_etal2014.pdf
Des Marais DL, Auchincloss LC, Sukamtoh E, McKay JK, Logan T, Richards JH, Juenger TE. Variation in MPK12 affects water use efficiency in Arabidopsis and reveals a pleiotropic link between guard cell size and ABA response. PNAS [Internet]. 111 (7) :2836-2841. Publisher’s VersionAbstract pnas-2014-des_marais-2836-41.pdf
Verslues PE, Lasky JR, Juenger TE, Liu T-W, Kumar NM. Genome-wide association mapping combined with reverse genetics identifies new effectors of low water potential-induced proline accumulation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 164 (1) :144-59.Abstract
Lowry DB, Behrman KD, Grabowski P, Morris GP, Kiniry JR, Juenger TE. Adaptations between ecotypes and along environmental gradients in Panicum virgatum. Am Nat. 183 (5) :682-92.Abstract
Kenney AM, McKay JK, Richards JH, Juenger TE. Direct and indirect selection on flowering time, water-use efficiency (WUE, δ (13)C), and WUE plasticity to drought in Arabidopsis thaliana. Ecol Evol. 4 (23) :4505-21.Abstract
Gordon SP, Priest H, Des Marais DL, Schackwitz W, Figueroa M, Martin J, Bragg JN, Tyler L, Lee C-R, Bryant D, et al. Genome diversity in Brachypodium distachyon: deep sequencing of highly diverse inbred lines. Plant J. 79 (3) :361-74.Abstract
Meyer E, Aspinwall MJ, Lowry DB, Palacio-Mejía JD, Logan TL, Fay PA, Juenger TE. Integrating transcriptional, metabolomic, and physiological responses to drought stress and recovery in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). BMC Genomics. 15 :527.Abstract
Lasky JR, Des Marais DL, Lowry DB, Povolotskaya I, McKay JK, Richards JH, Keitt TH, Juenger TE. Natural variation in abiotic stress responsive gene expression and local adaptation to climate in Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol Biol Evol. 31 (9) :2283-96.Abstract
Easlon HM, Nemali KS, Richards JH, Hanson DT, Juenger TE, McKay JK. The physiological basis for genetic variation in water use efficiency and carbon isotope composition in Arabidopsis thaliana. Photosynth Res. 119 (1-2) :119-29.Abstract
Des Marais DL, Auchincloss LC, Sukamtoh E, McKay JK, Logan T, Richards JH, Juenger TE. Variation in MPK12 affects water use efficiency in Arabidopsis and reveals a pleiotropic link between guard cell size and ABA response. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111 (7) :2836-41.Abstract
Fletcher RS, Mullen JL, Yoder S, Bauerle WL, Reuning G, Sen S, Meyer E, Juenger TE, McKay JK. Development of a next-generation NIL library in Arabidopsis thaliana for dissecting complex traits. BMC Genomics. 14 :655.Abstract
Scarpino SV, Hunt PJ, Garcia-De-Leon FJ, Juenger TE, Schartl M, Kirkpatrick M. Evolution of a genetic incompatibility in the genus Xiphophorus. Mol Biol Evol. 30 (10) :2302-10.Abstract
Lowry DB, Logan TL, Santuari L, Hardtke CS, Richards JH, DeRose-Wilson LJ, McKay JK, Sen S, Juenger TE. Expression quantitative trait locus mapping across water availability environments reveals contrasting associations with genomic features in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 25 (9) :3266-79.Abstract
Duszynska D, McKeown PC, Juenger TE, Pietraszewska-Bogiel A, Geelen D, Spillane C. Gamete fertility and ovule number variation in selfed reciprocal F1 hybrid triploid plants are heritable and display epigenetic parent-of-origin effects. New Phytol. 198 (1) :71-81.Abstract
Aspinwall MJ, Lowry DB, Taylor SH, Juenger TE, Hawkes CV, Johnson M-VV, Kiniry JR, Fay PA. Genotypic variation in traits linked to climate and aboveground productivity in a widespread C₄ grass: evidence for a functional trait syndrome. New Phytol. 199 (4) :966-80.Abstract
Juenger TE. Natural variation and genetic constraints on drought tolerance. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 16 (3) :274-81.Abstract
Lovell JT, Juenger TE, Michaels SD, Lasky JR, Platt A, Richards JH, Yu X, Easlon HM, Sen S, McKay JK. Pleiotropy of FRIGIDA enhances the potential for multivariate adaptation. Proc Biol Sci. 280 (1763) :20131043.Abstract
Lowry DB, Purmal CT, Juenger TE. A population genetic transect of Panicum hallii (Poaceae). Am J Bot. 100 (3) :592-601.Abstract
Behrman KD, Kiniry JR, Winchell M, Juenger TE, Keitt TH. Spatial forecasting of switchgrass productivity under current and future climate change scenarios. Ecol Appl. 23 (1) :73-85.Abstract
Lasky JR, Des Marais DL, McKay JK, Richards JH, Juenger TE, Keitt TH. Characterizing genomic variation of Arabidopsis thaliana: the roles of geography and climate. Mol Ecol. 21 (22) :5512-29.Abstract
Choo J, Juenger TE, Simpson BB. Consequences of frugivore-mediated seed dispersal for the spatial and genetic structures of a neotropical palm. Mol Ecol. 21 (4) :1019-31.Abstract
O’Connell MJ, Doyle AM, Juenger TE, Donoghue MTA, Keshavaiah C, Tuteja R, Spillane C. In Arabidopsis thaliana codon volatility scores reflect GC3 composition rather than selective pressure. BMC Res Notes. 5 :359.Abstract
Kesari R, Lasky JR, Villamor JG, Des Marais DL, Chen Y-JC, Liu T-W, Lin W, Juenger TE, Verslues PE. Intron-mediated alternative splicing of Arabidopsis P5CS1 and its association with natural variation in proline and climate adaptation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109 (23) :9197-202.Abstract
Lowry DB, Sheng CC, Zhu Z, Juenger TE, Lahner B, Salt DE, Willis JH. Mapping of ionomic traits in Mimulus guttatus reveals Mo and Cd QTLs that colocalize with MOT1 homologues. PLoS One. 7 (1) :e30730.Abstract
Lowry DB, Purmal CT, Meyer E, Juenger TE. Microsatellite markers for the native Texas perennial grass, Panicum hallii (Poaceae). Am J Bot. 99 (3) :e114-6.Abstract
Bloomer RH, Juenger TE, Symonds VV. Natural variation in GL1 and its effects on trichome density in Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol Ecol. 21 (14) :3501-15.Abstract
Des Marais DL, McKay JK, Richards JH, Sen S, Wayne T, Juenger TE. Physiological genomics of response to soil drying in diverse Arabidopsis accessions. Plant Cell. 24 (3) :893-914.Abstract
Meyer E, Logan TL, Juenger TE. Transcriptome analysis and gene expression atlas for Panicum hallii var. filipes, a diploid model for biofuel research. Plant J. 70 (5) :879-90.Abstract
Verslues PE, Juenger TE. Drought, metabolites, and Arabidopsis natural variation: a promising combination for understanding adaptation to water-limited environments. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 14 (3) :240-5.Abstract
Pantel JH, Juenger TE, Leibold MA. Environmental gradients structure Daphnia pulex × pulicaria clonal distribution. J Evol Biol. 24 (4) :723-32.Abstract
Mueller UG, Mikheyev AS, Hong E, Sen R, Warren DL, Solomon SE, Ishak HD, Cooper M, Miller JL, Shaffer KA, et al. Evolution of cold-tolerant fungal symbionts permits winter fungiculture by leafcutter ants at the northern frontier of a tropical ant-fungus symbiosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108 (10) :4053-6.Abstract
Pantel JH, Leibold MA, Juenger TE. Population differentiation in Daphnia alters community assembly in experimental ponds. Am Nat. 177 (3) :314-22.Abstract
Kunte K, Shea C, Aardema ML, Scriber MJ, Juenger TE, Gilbert LE, Kronforst MR. Sex chromosome mosaicism and hybrid speciation among tiger swallowtail butterflies. PLoS Genet. 7 (9) :e1002274.Abstract
Juenger TE, Sen S, Bray E, Stahl E, Wayne T, McKay J, Richards JH. Exploring genetic and expression differences between physiologically extreme ecotypes: comparative genomic hybridization and gene expression studies of Kas-1 and Tsu-1 accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Environ. 33 (8) :1268-84.Abstract
Des Marais DL, Juenger TE. Pleiotropy, plasticity, and the evolution of plant abiotic stress tolerance. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1206 :56-79.Abstract
Santuari L, Pradervand S, Amiguet-Vercher A-M, Thomas J, Dorcey E, Harshman K, Xenarios I, Juenger TE, Hardtke CS. Substantial deletion overlap among divergent Arabidopsis genomes revealed by intersection of short reads and tiling arrays. Genome Biol. 11 (1) :R4.Abstract
Walker DM, Juenger TE, Gore AC. Developmental profiles of neuroendocrine gene expression in the preoptic area of male rats. Endocrinology. 150 (5) :2308-16.Abstract
Steinberg RM, Walker DM, Juenger TE, Woller MJ, Gore AC. Effects of perinatal polychlorinated biphenyls on adult female rat reproduction: development, reproductive physiology, and second generational effects. Biol Reprod. 78 (6) :1091-101.Abstract
Kaczorowski RL, Juenger TE, Holtsford TP. Heritability and correlation structure of nectar and floral morphology traits in Nicotiana alata. Evolution. 62 (7) :1738-50.Abstract
Stearns F, Boles S, Hurston H, Vo T, Butler D, Shuham W, Juenger TE. PERMANENT GENETIC RESOURCES: Identification of nuclear microsatellite loci for Ipomopsis aggregata and the distribution of pairwise relatedness in a natural population. Mol Ecol Resour. 8 (2) :437-9.Abstract
Christman MA, Richards JH, McKay JK, Stahl EA, Juenger TE, Donovan LA. Genetic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana for night-time leaf conductance. Plant Cell Environ. 31 (8) :1170-8.Abstract
McKay JK, Richards JH, Nemali KS, Sen S, Mitchell-Olds T, Boles S, Stahl EA, Wayne T, Juenger TE. Genetics of drought adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana II. QTL analysis of a new mapping population, KAS-1 x TSU-1. Evolution. 62 (12) :3014-26.Abstract
Steinberg RM, Juenger TE, Gore AC. The effects of prenatal PCBs on adult female paced mating reproductive behaviors in rats. Horm Behav. 51 (3) :364-72.Abstract
Juenger TE, Wayne T, Boles S, Symonds VV, McKay J, Coughlan SJ. Natural genetic variation in whole-genome expression in Arabidopsis thaliana: the impact of physiological QTL introgression. Mol Ecol. 15 (5) :1351-65.Abstract
Juenger TE, Sen S, Stowe KA, Simms EL. Epistasis and genotype-environment interaction for quantitative trait loci affecting flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetica. 123 (1-2) :87-105.Abstract
Symonds VV, Godoy VA, Alconada T, Botto JF, Juenger TE, Casal JJ, Lloyd AM. Mapping quantitative trait loci in multiple populations of Arabidopsis thaliana identifies natural allelic variation for trichome density. Genetics. 169 (3) :1649-58.Abstract
Hausmann NJ, Juenger TE, Sen S, Stowe KA, Dawson TE, Simms EL. Quantitative trait loci affecting delta13C and response to differential water availibility in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolution. 59 (1) :81-96.Abstract