Thinking about Graduate School?
Then you should enroll in a Pre-Graduate School Internship!
What is the internship?
It’s an opportunity for bright UT students in ALL colleges and schools to work closely with a graduate student mentor. Discover the unique aspects of graduate study that make it distinct from the undergraduate experience and decide if graduate school is for you!
What would I have to do?
You’ll attend monthly workshops and meetings with other interns to discuss your experiences, plus you’ll get the opportunity to interact with faculty and graduate student panels. In addition, you and your graduate student mentor determine your projects and assignments for the semester collaboratively.
What Students Say about the Program:
This IE Internship has opened my eyes to possibilities I never before had contemplated. It has allowed me to think about my education and discipline from the bottom up, rather than the top down. How odd that it took until my final year and a class outside my field to be given the opportunity to make these discoveries.” “A doctorate was something I had never considered, but now I feel it is one career path I would want to pursue. The IE program broadened my career choices.”
Because of the generosity of several UT deans, undergraduates who do their pre-grad internship in programs in the following colleges will be eligible to receive travel grants to help cover part of the cost of attending an academic conference (with their grad mentor)– Law, Public Affairs, Communication, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Pharmacy, Business, Social Work, Education, Natural Sciences, Fine Arts.
To find out more about the program and about how to enroll, please visit:
For further information, please contact: Professor Richard Cherwitz, .