On Wednesday, February 16, at 4:15 in The John Wheeler Lecture Hall (RLM
4.102), the Department of Physics under the auspices of the Oakes
Undergraduate Lecture Endowment is sponsoring a lecture by Professor Burton
Richter titled “Energy in the 21st Century: The Economy, Security, and the
Environment.” Professor Richter is a Nobel Lauraete, Emeritus Director of
the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and a just plain darn good physicist.
For the past few years, he has been studying energy policy and recently
wrote a very good book called “Beyond Smoke and Mirrors” about the global
warming issue. This talk promises to be very interesting.
Daily Archives: February 11, 2011
Study Abroad Program Applications for Summer and Fall
Rotary International Scholarships
Rotary International offers scholarships for an academic year abroad, but students need to plan 18 months to a year ahead.
We will have Rotarians visiting UT to discuss the scholarship and the application process:
Monday, Feb. 14, at 2 pm in WOH 2.116 (Study Abroad Office).
The website describes the scholarship as: “The purpose of the Ambassadorial Scholarships program is to further international understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries and geographical areas. The program sponsors academic year scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students as well as for qualified professionals pursuing vocational studies. While abroad, scholars serve as goodwill ambassadors to the host country and give presentations about their homelands to Rotary clubs and other groups. Upon returning home, scholars share with Rotarians and others the experiences that led to a greater understanding of their host country.
Add Some Spice to Your Summer: Archaeological Field School Info Sessions
Archaeological Field School Info Sessions
Belize Archaeological Field School
June 16-July 14, 2011
Monday, February 14
SAC 4.174
Texas Archaeological Field School (Austin)
July 14-August 14, 2011
Monday, February 14
SAC 4.174
Interested students who cannot attend the sessions may contact Anthropology advisor, Courtney Lockhart (c.lockhart@austin.utexas.edu) or Dr. Valdez directly (fredv@mail.utexas.edu).
Marketing Your Liberal Arts Degree Talk Tuesday, Feb 15
We rescheduled Kate Brooks’ talk “Marketing Your Liberal Arts Degree and Finding Internships” for Tuesday, Feb 15 from 4 – 4:45 pm in the Third Floor Gebauer Conference room.
This event is open all LAH and Humanities students. First Year LAHers, please remember you are required to attend two Career Week Events. If you did not make it to two events last week, now is your chance to be inspired for the great internship search!
Time: 4:00 – 4:45pm
Location: GEB 3rd Floor Conference Room
The workshop will feature Kate Brooks, author of You Majored in What? and Director of Liberal Arts Career Services. Her talk will focus on resources and services available through Liberal Arts Career Services and a discussion of how your Honors Degree in Liberal Arts relates to the professional world and suggested ways to market your knowledge and skills to potential employers.