Tickets available beginning Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 9:00 a.m.
Zach Theatre presents: Fiction by Steven Dietz The Zach Theater | Sunday, February 20, 2011
1:15 PM Departure (CRD 23)
2:30 PM Performance
4:30 PM Talkback with playwright and UT professor, Steven Dietz
After cheering the wit, charm, and romance of Shooting Star and Becky’s New Car, ZACH audiences are in for a thrilling story of intrigue as Austin playwright and University of Texas at Austin professor Steven Dietz returns to ZACH with his razor-sharp play. Two married writers live a life whose very profession places them on edge of fact and fiction. When Linda faces a fatal diagnosis, she and husband Michael are forced to confront the notion that the only thing harder than dying with a secret is living with one. Dietz, the most produced playwright in the country, directs this gasp-out-loud comedic drama with his trademark and irresistible blend of humor, heart and precision. After the performance, Dietz will lead a post-performance Talkback. Tickets for this event are normally $36, but through the sponsorship of the University Honors Center and The L.L. and Ethel E. Dean Endowment your cost is just $5. To make your reservation, stop by in person to the University Honors Center (north entrance of Carothers) with your completed application and $5 beginning Wednesday, February 16, 2011. Tickets are limited and are available on a first come-first served.
If you have any questions please call the UHC at 471-6524. Applications are available at: