Dear students,
The Undergraduate Mock Trial Associations is a competitive organization that sends teams to state, regional, and national competitions. This organization has been in existence for over 20 years now. We first registered with the university in 1991. Basically, we study a case and compete against teams from other schools while pretending to be lawyers. We have a lot of fun while learning about courtroom procedures. Our organization allows students interested in law and advocacy to compete in mock trials against other colleges and universities. Participation in mock trial will give students an opportunity to learn from real trial attorneys, strengthen their understanding of the la,w and enhance their public speaking abilities.
If you are interested in learning more then stop by our table on the West Mall. We will be happy to answer any and all of your questions. Please come to our information sessions which will be held on Tuesday, September 6th and Wednesday, September 7th at 7pm in a to be announced location.
The try out packet will be posted on our website,, soon. Try outs will be Friday September 9th, Saturday September 10th, and Sunday September 11th in a to be announced location.
Please contact us or come to the information sessions if you are interested. We look forward to seeing you there!
Elizabeth Fletcher
President, Texas Mock Trial
Liberal Arts Honors/ Government
Psychology B.A.
The University of Texas at Austin
832.767.9797 I