Monthly Archives: September 2011

Actuarial Information Session

An individual who wants to become an actuary must excel at challenging courses
in mathematics, have some interest in using these skills to analyze and solve
business problems, be willing to spend many hours preparing for professional
examinations, and possess good communication skills.

If you think that you may be a good candidate for this type of career,
please let them know about an upcoming Actuarial Information Session. The
session is scheduled for Thursday, September 22, 4-5 pm and will take place in
ECJ 1.202. Feel free to share the following description with these students.

“Actuarial program director Mark Maxwell will briefly describe the actuarial
profession, the professional actuarial organizations, the actuarial
credentialing process, and the UT actuarial program/degree.

Is the profession right for you?  Characteristics of both successful and
unsuccessful students will be discussed so that you can judge for yourself.

A significant portion of time will be reserved to answer questions from those
in attendance.”

You can contact me with any questions you may have.

Ronda Hall
Associate Academic Advisor
Mathematics, Physics, & Astronomy Advising, 471-6389

Echo Literary Magazine

Echo is now accepting submissions for the 2011 edition! Please submit your poetry, prose, and photography Feel free to submit any number of pieces in any or all of the categories!
Our theme this year is “inSIGHT”. While this is the chosen theme, please do not limit the content that you submit; however, think of it as a general guideline with which you can explore the boundaries. “inSIGHT” can mean gaining a deeper understanding, or it can mean what is physically in view. Perhaps think about how we perceive the world by combining our mental insights with what is actually in sight. Whether you explore the theme through its emotional or through its visual meaning, the possibilities are endless and yours for the taking. We feel you all are a group full of creativity, energy and imagination, and we look forward to a fine batch of submissions.
The Echo Team
If you are interested in helping out the Echo Team read submissions and put together the magazine, please email the same email, requesting to be put on the mailing list. We will begin emailing out information regarding reading sessions in the spring semester.

Analecta Staff Applications

Analecta, the University of Texas at Austin’s official literary and arts journal, is now accepting staff applications for the 2011-2012 school year. Available staff positions include submission readers, design team members, publicity team members, and web publication team members. To apply, please email with the phrase “Staff Application Request” in the subject line. We will be accepting completed applications until Friday, September 16th, 2011 at 11:59PM

Joynes Reading Room Event: Reading by Novelist Chang-rae Lee

On Thursday, Sept. 15th at 7:30PM in the Joynes Reading Room, the Plan II Honors Program and the Department of English will host a reading by the award-winning author Chang-rae Lee. A professor of creative writing at Princeton University, Lee is the author of four acclaimed novels, including The Surrendered, a finalist for the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Lee’s latest novel tells the story of an American soldier and a Korean orphan whose lives intersect in the aftermath of war.

“[The Surrendered] is epic in scope, masterful in execution, heart stopping at times, and heartbreaking at others. The meticulous narrative unfolds over 52 years and across three continents. Nothing is rushed; nothing is overlooked. We can even feel the buzz of a window pane on our fingertips as rumbling Japanese military vehicles approach along a gravel road…Lee understands that in art and in stories what is perhaps most valuable is not what can be explained but what can be felt.”

The Boston Globe

A limited number of free copies of The Surrendered are available for UT honors students to pick up at the Joynes Reading Room front desk. (Come to the desk in person to inquire.) Please take a book only if you are certain that you will attend the reading.

Reading by novelist Chang-rae Lee

Thursday, Sept. 15th, 7PM

Joynes Reading Room (CRD 007)

Free and open to the public

Contact the Joynes Reading Room at 512-471-5787 or with any questions.

UT Women’s & Gender Studies Student Organization

Join the UT Women’s & Gender Studies Student Organization or find out how we can work with your student organization!!!

The UT Women’s & Gender Studies Student Organization is holding its first, informational meeting this Tuesday, September 6 in Mezes 1.216 at 5:30 p.m. This is an open invitation to anyone affiliated with or interested in WGS (majors/non-majors/minors/other student organizations or representatives/undergrads/graduate students).

For our first meeting we are organizing leadership roles, creating committees, and finalizing the mission statement. If you are looking to hold a leadership position or get involved in some other capacity, now is the time to join!

We encourage and welcome representatives from other student organizations to attend our meeting for more information on what we hope to accomplish. Our organization seeks to foster a coalition and grow our feminist community through movement building.

The UT-WGS student organization aims to act as a liaison among the various women’s, queer, LGBTQIA, feminist, human rights activist groups on campus, and the academic department. Our focus is to build community among the various groups, and be a central resource and academic base for existing, new, or interested members to Women’s and Gender Studies.

Please feel free to forward and circulate! If you can not make it to this first meeting, please feel free to email us for more information and keep an eye out for future meetings.

UT Women & Gender Studies Student Organization
Elexia, Wanjira, & Danea

Foot in the Door Auditions 9/7 and 9/8

Foot in the Door with be having fall auditions this week for “Twelve Angry Men” directed by Caleb Britton and Stephanie Donowho and “The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940” directed by Emily Neie and Zoe White.

Auditions will be on September 7th and 8th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the following locations:

September 7th: WEL 3.502
September 8th: WEL 1.308

We hope to see LAHers there!

Join SIFE – Students in Free Enterprise

From LAHer Liuna Fekravar, founding member of the UT chapter of SIFE:

SIFE, an international nonprofit organization that challenges students to use economic concepts in order to develop outreach projects to improve the quality of life and standard of living of those in need. SIFE combines analytical thinking skills with a passion for serving one’s community in an effort to actually solve local problems.

Developing these projects and then competing (the organization competes regionally, nationally, and then internationally every year) requires more than just vocational skills – we are looking to recruit a diverse team of creative, intelligent, and passionate students, traits that I know a number of LAH students hold.

Our website is and our membership application is due September 11th: