Liberal Arts College Tuition and Budget Advisory Committee

Fellow Liberal Arts Student,
The Liberal Arts College Tuition and Budget Advisory Committee (CTBAC)
was formed last year, out of a Senate of College Councils initiative, to
review the budget and academic priorities of the College of Liberal Arts
and give formal student opinions to the Dean’s office.  We have been hard
at work this year educating ourselves about tuition policy and are aiming
to have our first recommendations out by next week.

Please take a few minutes to fill out a short survey. Your responses will
help us considerably in forming our recommendations:

To check in on what CTBAC is doing, we have a Facebook Fan Page
and a Twitter account. Any new information the committee receives will be posted immediately.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please do not hesitate to
contact us at any time. Our e-mail is:

As students, we know how busy you are at this point in the semester, so
we really appreciate you taking the time to give us your input.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Hook ’em,
Liberal Arts CTBAC

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