We have seats open in several of our lower-division classes. Come to the LAH office and sign up now. We’ll give LAHers priority, but if we don’t fill up the classes, we will need to share with the other honors programs.
Open classes include:
ANT 301 Physical Anthropology with Chris Kirk (filling up quickly, so come soon!)
ARH 301 Intro to Visual Arts (counts as VPA – 10 seats reserved for LAH)
CTI 301 Ancient Philosophy and Lit (counts as CEHET and is a great follow up to Reacting, if you enjoyed Plato)
E 316k Masterworks of British Literature (NEW honors course. If you don’t have AP credit, or even if you do and are an English major, take this class.)
ECO 304L Intro to Macroeconomics (must have credit for ECO 304K as prerequisite)
GOV 312P Core Texts with Dempsey (must have credit for GOV 310L)
HIS 309K Western Civ in Medieval Times (Plan II class shares with us – limited seats)
HIS 315L US History Since 1865 (and yes, the awesome Dr. Restad has returned! Students wish they could retake this class with her.)
LAH 305 Reacting to the Past – two sections (Make sure you have taken your LAH writing flag by the end of your first year.)
PHL 305 Intro to Philosophy of Religion (counts for CEHET)
RHE 309S Critical Reading (Make sure you have taken your LAH writing flag by the end of your first year.)
SPN 610D Intermediate Spanish (must have credit for SPN 601D)
UGS 303 Creative Problem Solving OR Life and Death Decisions (make sure you take a UGS class in your first year)