Monthly Archives: October 2011

James Mulva, CEO of Conoco Philips, coming to campus to talk on October 24th

Liberal Arts Council is bringing James Mulva, CEO of Conoco Phillips to speak on campus.

James Mulva graduated from UT and  is known world-wide for his influence in the oil industry and for his integrity and leadership.

He will speak Monday October 24th at 6pm in the Social Work Building, room2.106.

At the end of the event there will be time for Q & A.

Fall 2011 Career Expo

The Career Expo is your chance to connect with employers from a variety of industries seeking you to fill their full-time and internship opportunities! Don’t miss our Expo, and our prep workshop and services before the fair:

  • Fall 2011 Career Expo, October 19
  • How to Prep for the Career Expo Workshop, October 13
  • Walk-In Advising for Resume and Other Prep
  • Career Coaching Appointments

Fall 2011 Career Expo

Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Time: 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Location: Texas Union Ballroom
Co-Hosted By: Liberal Arts Career Services & Liberal Arts Council
Attire: LACS requires business dress to business casual (visit our Dress for Success page to learn more about professional attire.)
Employers: Meet recruiters from a variety of companies and organizations, including Apple, SXSW, LivingSocial, JP Morgan Chase and the Peace Corps. Search the full list of  Employers Scheduled to Attend
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Take advantage of this opportunity to launch your career or find an internship. Come professionally dressed and bring several copies of your resume. Read more about the career fair, which organizations are scheduled to attend and how you can plan your visit to the fair at our Making the Most of the Career Fair page.

Workshop: Making the Most of the Career Expo
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2011
Time: 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Location: LACS, FAC 18
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Do you want to know how to talk with employers and create opportunities for yourself at the Career Expo on October 19, 2011? If so, this workshop is for you! Attend this workshop to learn what works and doesn’t work at a career fair and what employers are really looking for. We will address the following topics:

  • How to make the best first impression
  • What questions you should ask employers
  • Who will be there and what they are looking for
  • How to follow up after the event

Walk-In Advising
Days: Each Week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Times: 12:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Location: LACS, FAC 18
Walk-in 15-minute sessions are available to help strengthen your resume, draft an elevator speech, strategize your visit to the fair and much more!

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Career Coaching
Days: Mondays – Fridays
Times: Appointments are available between 9am – 4pm
Location: LACS, FAC 18
Career coaching 30-minute appointments are available to help with any career fair, general career and internship preparation!
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Liberal Arts Career Services | The University of Texas at Austin
FAC 18 | ph 512.471.7900 | fx 512.471.7903

Teach For America Information Session

Teach For America will be holding its first informational session Tonight (October 18th) at 7pm in GRG 102. Come learn more about this amazing opportunity to enrich the educational experiences of the millions of children that live in poverty. Here the stories of some of our Teach For America alumni and speak to current Corp Members about their experiences so far. Join us for pizza, discussion, and Q&A.

Texas is one of the top three contributors in the nation to Teach For America’s Corp each year. Come learn how you can help continue the tradition.

Sanger Center Hiring Tutors

The Sanger Learning and Career Center is now hiring tutors for the spring 2012 semester.  Interested students can apply online at  Pay starts at $11.00 per hour, and the hours are flexible.  The deadline for applications is October 28, 2011.  This is a great opportunity for students to learn more about their field of study and to help other students as well.

Net Impact – Guest Lecture

Net Impact Undergrad is having a special guest speaker, Dr. Michael Garrison! He will be speaking on Wednesday, October 19th from 4-5:30PM in

SAC 1.118. He will discuss his recent work with Africa’s Promise Village in designing a sustainable school and community center for the Maasai people in Kenya.

Dr. Garrison has served as the faculty sponsor of the 2002 and 2005 Solar Decathlon competitions administered by the U.S. Department of Energy and has received numerous grants and awards, including ones from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Austin Energy’s Green Building Program. Also, he was the past chair of the Resource Management Commission for the City of Austin, a founding member of the Texas Solar Energy Society, and research fellow of the UT Center for Sustainable Development.

There will be TIFF’S TREATS!

We hope we see y’all there!

Net Impact General Meeting

Net Impact Undergrad will have a general meeting on Tuesday, October 18th! It will be located in McCombs CBA 4.344 from 6-7PM. Kirk Van Roekel of Pro Energy Consultants will be our speaker for the meeting. Their mission is to help American homeowners make informed decisions through home energy audits and energy management consulting.

“Save Energy. Save Money. Save the Environment.”

For more information, check out

Come out to hear our speaker and get some FREE FOOD!

Hope to see y’all there :)

LAH Glow in the Dark Field Night Thursday, October 20th

Hey LAHers! LAHSC is hosting LAH Glow in the Dark Field Night Thursday, October 20th at 7:30 pm on the lawn of the Texas Capitol! Come out and bring your friends to play some glow in the dark DODGEBALL, CAPTURE THE FLAG, and more! People will be meeting in the center of the Honors Quad courtyard at 7:00 pm to walk to the Capitol together. This is our second year to host this glow in the dark extravaganza due to the great success of the event last fall, so don’t miss out!

Be sure to check out facebook event !

Hope to see you there!

LAH Student Counci

Handy Web-links

Handy Web-links

Look up spring courses:

registration hint: if classes are closed under one section look to see if it’s cross-listed and try to register under the cross-listing.

When to register, add-drop, and pay for Spring:

Course Instructor Surveys:

Schedule Construction and professor reviews for free:

Declare your Liberal Arts Major:

Student Testing Services:

Taking a Class in Transfer? See how it will count at UT:

Need to take the TX Government test to pair with AP US GOV?

Online text-book to help you prepare:

Update your personal information include your cell number! (email, address etc.):

UT Calendar for 2011-12:

Figure out your gpa:…

LAH Lower-Division Course Sign-Up Book Available & Registration Tips

Registration for Spring Begins October 24-November 4.  Before you register, you should see us for advising. Just call 471-3458 to set up a time with Linda or Stacey. Don’t email us, as it’s too hard to go back and forth choosing a time. Calling is much more efficient.

The lower-division honors course sign up  book is now available. To secure a seat in a lower-division honors course, you must sign up in the book. Come by the LAH office to see what we have!

Upper-Division LAHers, Remember that for any upper-division LAH course (LAH 350s)  you can register on your own as long as you have close to 60 hours and a 3.5 gpa. IF you are pursuing a dual degree in another college,you  will need to contact us during your registration time to be manually added into the class if the class is open.

Registration tip: for upper-division cross-listed LAH courses, it might be easier to register for the class under it’s cross-listing. Especially Government/LAH 350. If you are a Government major, and want an LAH 350 class that is cross-listed, you should go to the Government department to be added into the class. It will still count towards LAH under it’s cross-listing.

LAH Yearly Scholarships Announced

The LAH office had an extremely difficult time narrowing down the recipients of LAH Yearly Scholarships this year. The quality of writing in the applications was stellar  (you all know how to write!!) We just need more scholarship money so we can acknowledge more deserving students and we are working on it!

Congratulations go out to:

2nd Year LAH Scholarship Recipients:

Ayesha Akabar

Caleb Britton

Jamie Hill

Sarabeth Flowers

Josh Fuller

Hayden Lambert

Margret Ann Grace Martin

Andrew McMahon

Eric Nickolaides

Katherine Thayer

3rd Year LAH Scholarship Recipients

Andy Bowman

Jessica Chung

Elizabeth Eikrem

Madison Estes

Catherine Hernando

Anne Kuhnen

Dietrich Riepen

Lauren Thomas

Miranda Wargo

Steven Xie

4th Year LAH Scholarship Recipients

Elizabeth Fletcher

James Lamon

Pavel Nitchovski

Preston Nix

Ben Smith