Monthly Archives: October 2011

Social Justice Week 2011

Juvenile Justice Support Network Conference
Monday, October 17th, 10am—3pm
Thompson Conference Center

A conference on supporting youth at risk of dropping out of school and/or engaging in behaviors that place them in the juvenile justice system. Includes a morning and afternoon panel, as well as lunch. Register at

Social Justice Art Show Kickoff Event
Monday, October 17th, 6-9pm, SSW Main Lobby

Faculty, staff, students and community members will be joining together to celebrate social justice through the arts. This event begins with a gallery display of artwork and light refreshments.  Additionally, participants will have an opportunity to participate in a “community art project”.  The second half of the evening will include entertaining performances of dance, music, poetry and more.

La Ciudad Film and Discussion
Tuesday, October 18th, 1-4pm, SSW Utopia Theater

The heart-wrenching stories of economic and social hardships faced by four Hispanic immigrants living in New York City, as told in separate vignettes. After the film there will be a discussion led by Professors Bob Jensen and Miguel Ferguson.

American Whistleblower Tour
Wednesday, October 19th, 6-8pm, SSW Utopia Theater

As they make their way across the country visiting more than 15 campuses across the nation, the American Whistleblower Tour is inspiring students to learn constructive mechanisms for speaking up for positive change. Through a social work lens, the event will focus on tools for promoting advocacy by speaking up for enhanced organizational effectiveness, accountability, and social justice. Join us in learning about the stages of whistleblowing, essential legal and ethical considerations, as well as the tools needed use our voices effectively!

When I Rise Film and Discussion
Thursday, October 20th, 12– 1:45pm, SSW Utopia Theater

Come join us in the viewing of “When I Rise” a documentary about international mezzo-soprano sensation and University of Texas alumni Barbara Smith Conrad. Barbara’s talent meant nothing to the Texas legislature when they unanimously decided to expel the black singer after discovering she would play the love interest of a white classmate. Set during the civil rights movement the film takes you on a journey from racism to forgiveness.

“Power, Privilege and Oppression” Workshop
with Shane Whalley
Thursday, October 20th, 6-8pm, SSW Utopia Theater

Learn about the ways in which power, privilege and oppression exist in daily life. The night will be made up of hands on activities to promote awareness of systems that perpetuate power, privilege and oppression and one’ s own participation in those systems. Space is limited to 40, so please register by emailing

Disability Visibility Symposium:
Making Systems Work for People with Disabilities
Friday, October 21st, 8:30-11am, SSW Utopia Theater

The program will include a panel of experts comprised of people with disabilities talking about their lived experiences and how they negotiate systems. There will also be nationally known speakers, who are advocates in the disability movement, as well as professionals representing agencies and services for people with disabilities both on campus and in the Austin community.

Social Justice Community Fair and Celebration Lunch

Friday, October 21st, 11:15-12:15pm, SSW Main Lobby
The School of Social Work’s First Annual Social Justice Week culminates with an event that brings together members of community organizations, students, faculty, and staff in celebration of our shared commitment to social justice work. Organizations are invited to display materials about their organizations work and all are encouraged to mingle and learn from each other’s experiences as we share in a celebratory lunch. To ensure enough food please RSVP to Bree Howard

UT School of Social Work Spirit of Social Justice Awards Presentation
Friday, October 21st, 12:15-12:45pm, SSW Utopia Theater

The SSW Spirit of Social Justice Awards will honor a student, staff, faculty member, field instructor and community agency/coalition who has used their time, energy and passion to interrupt oppression.

Facilitating Meaningful Discussions on Diversity and Social Justice
Friday, October 21st, 1-2:30pm, SSW Utopia Theater

This session facilitated by Dr. Betty Jeanne Taylor, Diversity & Engagement Officer & Director of Diversity Education Initiatives will provide effective strategies for facilitating difficult dialogues.

Information also available at: