Daily Archives: February 6, 2012


Dear Liberal Arts Student,

This is to announce the annual Lozano Long study abroad travel grant competition.

For summer 2012, we have at least four study abroad travel grants in the amount of $2,500.  Should you receive a grant, you must attend a degree-granting institution in Latin America and bring back at least six hours of college credit.

For next academic year, 2012-2013 (which starts late next August 2012), we are offering six study abroad travel grants in the amount of $5,000.  You must attend a degree-granting institution in Latin America and bring back at least 12 hours of college credit.

Applications are due by 5:00 on Thursday, March 1.  IMPORTANT: Please let the person writing your recommendation know that their letter must be uploaded to the system no later than 5:00, Thursday, March 1.

All funds must be used for the purpose for which they are intended and awarded.  Also, please be aware that scholarship money can affect your financial aid.  If you win an award, it is your responsibility to speak with the Office of Student Financial Services and find out how your financial aid package may be impacted and instruct me on any modifications you may want regarding the timing of receiving your scholarship.  Otherwise, all monies for academic year 2012-2013 will be distributed at the start of the fall semester.  Information will follow on the timing of the summer award distributions.

Applications are online and can be accessed here:


You must log into the system in order to reach the correct page.

Fun Lectures for Honors Students

1.) Medical ethicist Walter Glannon lectures on “Neuroscience, Free Will and Moral Responsibility”

Dr. Glannon is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Calgary. He has published four books on medical ethics, including his most recent, Brain Body, and Mind: Neuroethics with a Human Face. He will speak in the Joynes Reading Room (CRD 007) at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 8, in an event open to everyone. No RSVP is required. More info and poster available here.

2.) Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner Nicholas Kristof addresses human trafficking

Writing for the New York Times, Kristof has travelled the globe to document the ongoing traffic of women and girls sold into sexual slavery. Through his column, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 2006, Kristof has introduced readers to heroes fighting against human trafficking and survivors who have become activists themselves. Kristof will deliver the 2012 Liz Carpenter Lecture in the auditorium of the LBJ Library Monday night, February 13, at 7 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. No RSVP is required. While supplies last, honors students may request (in person) a free copy of Kristof’s book Half the Sky at the front desk of the Joynes Reading Room.

3.) In a new graphic novel, author Mark Long presents a true story of the civil rights movement in Texas

The Silence of Our Friends recounts the stories of two families in Houston, one black and one white, at a critical point during the civil rights movement. On Tuesday night, 7 p.m., February 21 in the Joynes Reading Room (CRD 007), author Mark Long will discuss the story and his collaboration with illustrator Nate Powell. While supplies last, honors students may request (in person) a free copy of The Silence of Our Friends at the front desk of the Joynes Reading Room.

Call 512-471-5787 or write to mvalentine@mail.utexas.edu with questions about any of these special events