Monthly Archives: February 2012

Explore UT- Saturday, March 3 11:00-5:00pm

LAH will be well represented at Explore UT, Saturday, March 3 from 11:00-5:00. Make sure you go out and support your fellow LAHers!

Make a Thinking Cap with LAHSC and LAHSO on the South Mall 11:oo-4:00

Listen to the LAH Music Ensemble in MEZ 1.306 12:00-12:40

See a scene from one of the Foot in the Door’s Spring Productions –CAL 100 from 3:00-3:40

Sanger Center Now Hiring

We’re Hiring Now!

Be part of our team of students helping students for Fall 2012 at the Sanger Center

  • Tutors
  • Academic Coaches
  • Senior Preceptors
  • Outreach assistants

We are one of the largest student employers on campus, and we pay some of the highest student salaries.

flexible hours

learn more about your field

work on campus


Wednesday, March 7th at 5p.m. in JES A121A

Go to and click on Work for Us

Deadline for applications is Friday, March 30th, 2012

Lifeworks ESL Tutors Wanted!

Interested in teaching English? Lifeworks and the Plan II Pre-Medical Society are hosting a weekly Saturday morning ESL conversation class. An orientation session will be held THIS SATURDAY (Feb 25th, 10-11 am) for all interested students. This session and all subsequent classes will be held in the brand new Lifeworks building  (835 N. Pleasant Valley Rd). UT volunteers will have the opportunity to interact with adult Lifeworks students interested in practicing their English in a constructive, non-judgmental setting. Volunteers are asked to participate at least 2x/month. Transportation is available!

If interested, please send an email with the subject ‘Lifeworks Volunteering’ to with the following information by Thursday (Feb 25th) at midnight:

  • Name
  • E-mail Address
  • Phone Number
  • Able to Drive? (If So, Number of Passengers Besides Driver)
  • Other Foreign Languages Spoken
  • Number of Saturdays  Available Per Month
  • Student Group Affiliation (If Applicable)
  • Able to Attend 2/25 Orientation (10-11 am)?

Senate of College Councils Study Abroad Scholarship

The Academic Enrichment Committee of the Senate of College Councils invites you to apply for the Senate of College Councils Study Abroad Scholarship. The scholarship seeks to encourage students to engage in academically-relevant study abroad programs

One recipient will receive a $1,000 prize from the Senate of College Councils to be used toward their study abroad experience. The recipient will be expected to come to one of Senate’s General Assemblies (which are held every other Thursday) upon their return and share their experience abroad with the assembly.

The application and more information can be found here: The minimal GPA to apply is a 3.0.

Applicants must be available for an interview after the deadline for the scholarship on Friday, March 23. Interview times and location are forthcoming.

Please contact Andrew Zigler at with any questions regarding the application.

IntegrityUT Week Events

This week is IntegrityUT Week! Come out and support academic integrity on campus all week long. There will be free t-shirts, wristbands, and food at all events!

Monday- Thursday:

Tabling on Gregory Plaza and West Mall


A Conversation with Margaret C. Berry; 5:00-6:00 p.m. in S Auditorium


Libraries Avoiding Plagiarism class; 11:00-12:00 p.m. in PCL 1.124


Student Improvisation; 6:00-7:30 p.m. in MEZ 1.306


Case Study on Ethical Leadership Competition; 5:00 p.m. in the San Jacinto Hall Multi-Purpose Room #0207C

For more information, check out our official website at or our Facebook page at

Pre-Law Presentation March 1st, 3:45-5:00pm RSVP required

Law School: What You Need to Know to Go

Topics include how to prepare, how to apply and whether or not to go.

You’ll also hear a former lawyer’s perspective on the law school experience.

Thursday, March 1  3:45pm – 5pm UTC 1.104

RSVP as space is limited:

Co-Sponsored by:

College of Natural Sciences Career Design Center

Communication Career Services

Liberal Arts Career Services

Sanger Learning & Career Center

LAH Evening at The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Tuesday March 20 RSVP

Mr. Mark Updegrove, Director of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum, is inviting students in the Liberal Arts Honors Program to attend a special event on the evening of Tuesday, March 20th.   The date marks the publication of Mr. Updegrove’s third book on the American presidency, Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency and will feature a discussion of the book and of President’s Johnson presidency by three who worked for President Johnson:  Larry Temple (a Special Assistant), Tom Johnson (held various positions in the Johnson administration), and Harry McPherson (President Johnson’s chief speech writer from 1966 – 1968).  The event will take place in the LBJ Library Auditorium, 6:00 to 7:00 pm.  LAH students will have an opportunity to talk with the panel members, beginning at 5:30 pm.

LAH will be buying five copies of Mr. Updegrove’s book, and those attending will be entered into a drawing to receive an autographed copy.  If you plan to attend, please  rsvp by e-mail to Dr. Carver ( by Friday, March 2.