For History Majors and Potential History Majors

To History majors and potential history majors,

If you are interested in the honors program, please come to an information session at 5pm on April 9th, in the conference room in Garrison Hall (GAR 1.102).

I’ll talk and answer your questions about the program, the history honors thesis, and what courses you can take to have strong background for the program. We’ll talk about what courses to take next fall and in the future.

This is information only, and come even if you aren’t sure you want to do honors.

Of course you can also come see me during office hours Garrison 2.206 4-6 pm Thursday. But those tend to get crowded!

Judy Coffin

Judith G. Coffin

Associate Professor of History

Director, Undergraduate Honors Program

University of Texas at Austin

1 University Station B 7000

Austin, Texas. 78712

512 475-7235

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