Undergraduate Philosophy Association

UT Students in all Disciplines,

The Undergraduate Philosophy Association would like to cordially invite you the first annual Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, this Friday, April 13 at 3:00 PM in Waggener 302.  Seven of our best thinkers will have the opportunity to present their research to an audience of like-minded peers like you, who are encouraged to ask questions, offer objections, and engage in philosophic dialogue.  The presentations consider a variety of queries:  Can thoughts be construed as actions, and do thoughts have moral weight?  What exact are the laws of nature?  Does ‘fallacy’ mean the same thing everywhere?  How objective is mathematics?

If these questions intrigue you, or if you’ve ever found yourself thinking about them on your own before (as happens so often in philosophy), that we would love to have you with us as we explore the answers – and the questions that arise thereof – together.  Again, it is this Friday, April 13 at 3:00 PM in Waggener 302.

Hope to see you there!

Kyle and Armando, Co-Presidents, Undergraduate Philosophy Association

PS:  There will be free pizza and soft drinks!!

For more information:





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