Monthly Archives: September 2012

History Honors and Normandy Scholars

Dear History students,

Are you interested in applying for the History Honors program and/or Normandy Scholars this fall? Please come to an informational session hosted by Honors Director Dr. Judy Coffin and Normandy Scholars Director Dr. Charters Wynn where they will introduce these programs and discuss the application process. The session will be held Thursday, September 6 at 5pm in GAR 1.102. We particularly encourage students who will be applying to these programs this fall, but all students who are thinking about applying to these programs in the future are welcome.


Susan, History Advising

Last day to drop classes without penalty is Friday, September 14

September 14-Friday Twelfth class day; this is the date the official enrollment count is taken.Payment for added classes (add bill) due by 5:00 pm.Last day an undergraduate student may add a class except for rare and extenuating circumstances.Last day to drop a class for a possible refund. (SeeGeneral Information, chapter 4, for details.)Last day a graduate student may, with the required approvals, add a class.Last day a law student may add or drop a course without the approval of the dean.

Foot in the Door Auditions

Wednesday, September 5th

Thursday, September 6th

7:00 pm -10:00 pm

WEL 3.502 (Shell Auditorium – separate entrance near East Mall)

LAH’s Theatre Troupe is back for Fall 2012 with two shows, and we want you to join us! Auditions will consist of group cold readings of selected scenes from the shows. If you’re interested in tech or production, come by to fill out your information and get to know us and the shows. No previous theatre experience is necessary to get involved!

Only one night of auditions is required for consideration, but if possible, please attend both nights in order to maximize your time with the directors.

The Fall 2012 Shows are:


Director: Allison Dillon

Assistant Director: Lee Henry

When a bystander answers a dead man’s ringing cell phone, the paradoxical connecting and isolating nature of technology comes under full display–along with his secrets and relationships.



Performances: Oct. 4-6

Directors: Brett Bowman, Stephanie Donowho, Colin McLaughlin, Emily Neie, Aza Pace, Kelsi Tyler

A collection of darkly humorous vignettes from everyone’s favorite children’s poet.

Executive Producer: Kelsi Tyler

Producers: Stephanie Donowho, Rajvi Patel