Daily Archives: April 4, 2013

Theatre for Dialogue

If you have seen Get Sexy. Get Consent. or any Theatre for Dialogue performance, this is the class that trains you to do the work (for upper division credit)!  No experience necessary.

Apply now to be part of the 2013-14 ensemble for:

Theatre for Dialogue

a two-semester class sequence

“This class will teach you so much about yourself and the world in which you live. This type of class, I believe, is what you come to university for; to foster a positive and beneficial relationship and awareness between community and school, between yourself and strangers. I will always cherish this class and what it’s done for me.”(student from VAV class)

What do you have to say about. . . .

·         healthy relationships,

·         sex and consent,

·         gender dynamics,

·         dating violence,

·         sexual assault?

How can theatre be used as a form of activism?

How do you engage your community in dialogue?

What does it mean to be an effective bystander or supportive ally?

Find out by taking the Voices Against Violence Theatre for Dialogue class for upper division credit!

·         Create and perform interactive theatre scenarios about relationships, red flags, boundaries and consent.  No experience necessary.

·         GET UPPER DIVISION ACADEMIC CREDIT (through Social Work, Theatre and Danceor Women’s and Gender Studies) to become part of the Theatre for Dialogue program with Voices Against Violence.  Learn how to use the tools of interactive theatre to create realistic situations that encourage dialogue on issues that impact us all.

·         Application and interview REQUIRED for entrance into Theatre for Dialogue class.  If interested, apply by 4/22/13  (application attached).  Submit your application for the Theatre for Dialogue class to Lynn Hoare, at lhoare@austin.utexas.edu.

Want to know more and see the work in action?  Check it out here: http://www.cmhc.utexas.edu/vav.html

See our upcoming events here:  http://cmhc.utexas.edu/vav_calendar.html