Interested in helping to lead UT Austin’s Student-Led Course program? Apply to be a member of the 2013-2014 DemTex Leadership Team! DemTex is a program through which undergraduates to design and lead their very own discussion-based course under the supervision of a faculty sponsor. DemTex is currently seeking applicants to serve on the 2013-2014 Leadership Team in order to make the process for promoting and generating these courses as easy as possible. Positions available are Webmaster, Communications Director, Financial Director, and Recruitment Director. The Webmaster will be responsible for managing DemTex’s social media arm as well as the DemTex website making sure it is up to date and easy to use. Communications Director will be in charge of all other forms of publicity for DemTex especially in terms of designing promotional materials; the DemTex Communications Director will work with Senate’s Communication Director and Multimedia and Press Committee in order to fulfill this task. Financial Director will manage DemTex’s budget as well as work with Senate’s Financial Director and Veronica Cantu, Legislative Student Organization Accounting Clerk. Recruitment Director will be charged with planning tabling event and information sessions about the DemTex program in general and about specific courses as they are introduced, the Recruitment Director will also be responsible for helping to determine target audiences for specific courses as they are created. For more information and to access the application go to for any questions and to submit the application contact Joey Dominguez or Kevin Boening at
DemTex: Student-Led Courses
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