The Health Professions Fair is held each spring. Approximately 600 students, alumni and community members attend. In addition, 70-75 professional schools are generally in attendance. This event is an opportunity for anyone who attends to meet and talk with admissions representatives from practically every health professions school in the state and many from across the country. We know it would be impossible for most of us to visit every school, so we bring the schools to you! All UT Austin students, alumni and any community members who are interested in finding out more about the health professions career pathway are welcome to attend. We encourage business casual attire.
List of Schools Attending & Student Information Packet
Students: Please note you do not need to RSVP for this event. Come as you can during your day.
2014 Fair Date: Wednesday, February 26th, 2014 – Texas Union Ballroom
Student Suggested Fair Dress
Health Professions Fair Q&A Speaker Panels in the Texas Governor’s Room.
· 11:30am – Medical /Dental/ Physician’s Assistant
· 1:00pm – Health Professions Pathways
There are only 40 seats available so come early. We will announce the panels during the fair.