Purpose: The CMHC Student Advisory Committee provides a forum for direct input from UT student stakeholders in order to: 1) help CMHC better meet the mental health needs of UT students 2) foster leadership skills in UT students with interests in mental health and 3) encourage student advocacy for campus mental health issues.
Description of Advisory Committee: The committee will be facilitated by Dr. Chris Brownson, Director of the UT Counseling and Mental Health Center and Dr. Jane Bost, Associate Director. Dr. Brownson, Dr. Bost and the committee members will set the agenda, with input from other CMHC staff members. Agenda items will include but not be limited to soliciting feedback on best ways to reach students, how to improve mental health services on campus, programs and services, and/or publicity and stigma reduction. Meetings will monthly for 1.5 hours.
Committee Composition: Student membership will consist of students who represent the Student Government Association, the Senate of College Councils, and the Graduate Student Assembly as well as “at large” student members. Student Government, the Senate of College Councils and the Graduate Student Assembly will nominate one student representative to the committee, with final approval resting with CMHC. In addition, “at large” students will be recruited for and chosen from the general student population. CMHC will recruit at large students from UT academic departments, mental health related student organizations, and broadly advertise these positions on campus.
Other CMHC staff may be invited at the discretion of the CMHC Director to attend committee meeting(s) as well.
Student Membership Requirements: The duration of the advisory committee term is one year. Students who are appointed by Student Government, the Senate of College Councils and the Graduate Student Assembly can be reappointed with approval from CMHC or new representatives may be chosen from these three groups. Students in “at large” positions can reapply for the next year’s committee membership.
Students will apply for council positions in the spring semester and will serve from the beginning of the following fall semester through the end of the next spring semester (1 year). Requirements for student membership are: 1) current enrollment as a UT-Austin student 2) availability to meet at the committee meeting time, and 3) commitment to making a positive contribution to the mental health of UT students. CMHC Advisory Committee Application 2014-2015