Daily Archives: May 12, 2014

Rousseau Reading Groups This Fall

LAHSC is looking for LAHers to lead Rousseau Reading Groups in the Fall. These reading groups are primarily for the incoming class of freshman and will meet just once during the first few weeks of the Fall semester. We welcome a variety of book selections, so choose your favorite novel or something you think every freshman should read and sign up! Anyone interested should fill out the application to be a group leader by Friday, May 23:


Please copy the application, fill it out, and email it to Haley Williams at hbwilliams93@gmail.com and Claire Smith at cls4398@utexas.edu with any questions! Thank you!

Volunteer Opportunities – Harry Ransom Center

The Harry Ransom Center is currently seeking docents, special event volunteers, and visitor service volunteers to join us for the upcoming year of exhibitions, including The Making of Gone With The Wind and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Benefits include specialized training and behind-the-scenes insights into exhibitions and collections.

We invite applications from undergraduate and graduate students. Applications will be accepted through Monday, June 16. Volunteer training starts in late August. To apply or learn more, visit www.hrc.utexas.edu/about/participate/publicoutreach/.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Lisa Pulsifer, Associate Curator for Education and Public Engagement, at lisapulsifer@austin.utexas.edu