Daily Archives: September 23, 2014

Extreme Medicine: 26 Years in Ethiopia Featuring Dr. Rick Hodes

Texas Hillel, 2105 San Antonio Street

Come listen to Dr. Rick Hodes speak about his experience living and practicing in Africa for over 25 years. He is known all over the country for his work, don’t miss the amazing opportunity to hear his inspirational stories at UT!

FREE and Open to the Public
Dessert Reception to Follow 

Dr. Rick Hodes, a CNN hero and the subject of the HBO documentary, “Making the Crooked Straight”, is an American physician in Ethiopia and has also worked with refugees in Rwanda, Zaire, Tanzania, Somalia, and Albania. Currently, he is helping the impoverished and sick with heart disease, spinal deformities, and cancer at the Mother Teresa’s Catholic mission as well as throughout the country.

The event is presented by Liberal Arts Honors at The University of Texas at AustinGlobeMed at The University of Texas at AustinJewish Community Association of Austin (JCAA), and Texas Hillel

More details on the attached flyer: rickhodes_email

Dialogues on Free Speech

Each semester, the Dialogues series offers a panel discussion – featuring speakers of varying points of view – that focuses on a particular free speech controversy. The topic this fall is Free Speech vis-a-vis National Security. The current battle over the “balance” to be struck between the ideals of free speech and concerns for our national security is of natural interest.

We are reaching out to you both with the idea that you might want to share the information with students and faculty.

What:    Free Speech vis-a-vis National Security, a panel discussion.

When:   Tuesday September 30th, 2014 – from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Where: Peter O’Donnell Building (POB) – Avaya auditorium (Room 2.302) The POB Building is located on Speedway at 24th Street.

Cost:      Free and open to the public.


  •  Heidi Kitrosser – Law Professor, University of Minnesota
  •  Charlie Savage – New York Times, National Security Correspondent
  • Sahar Aziz – Law Professor, Texas A&M University


The format is audience-friendly:  brief presentations by the three guests, followed by about 40 minutes of interview-style dialogue, then a half hour of questions from the floor.


Panelists will consider such questions as: 

  • “Security vs. liberty” – How real is the conflict?
  • What should govern any “tradeoffs” and “balancing” between the two?
  • Do times of crisis call for greater restrictions on expression? Or for fewer restrictions, so as to encourage robust debate?
  • What is a national security crisis?
  • What difference should national security make to individuals’ rights to personal privacy?
  • How effective have restrictions on speech been for achieving security?

 If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact my assistant, Clair LaVaye. Clair’s email is: c.lavaye@utexas.edu.

More information about the Dialogues on Free Speech can be found at: http://www.utexas.edu/cola/orgs/bbtobjectivism/free-speech-dialogues/free-speech-and-national-security.php

We look forward to seeing you at the Free Speech Dialogue event.

Tara Smith

Professor, Philosophy Department

Free Speech… Let’s talk about it.