From February 13 to February 14, 2015, eighty undergraduate and graduate students from US universities will gather at the Yale School of Management to discuss the future of the European Union. There will be five workshops: borders (focused on immigration in the Mediterranean), the transatlantic relationship (focused on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), innovative economy (focused on youth unemployment), democratic participation (focused on the rise of far-right extremism) and identity (focused on social solidarity in Europe). In each workshop, students will develop their visions and strategies together with an EU policy-maker and a distinguished professor with a background in EU studies. At the end of the conference students will present their conclusions to a representative from the European Commission. Furthermore, participants will create a US-based student think tank, through which they will dedicate their creativity, ingenuity and time to build the future of the European Union. Applications are due on October 27 (both undergraduates and graduates) and December 1 (only undergraduates, 2nd round). Please download the application form and apply at Feel free to address any questions Travel costs, food, and accommodation are covered by the conference thanks to the generous support of the European Commission under the Erasmus + programme.
European Union Student Conference at Yale – Costs Covered
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