Want FREE TICKETS to see the American Shakespeare Center’s performance of Dr. Faustus? Want to hear professor James Loehlin give an amazing talk about this important play? Details below!
American Shakespeare Center comes to UT this February …
Doctor Faustus
Texas Union Theater | Tuesday, February 10, 2015
6:00 PM Pre-performance seminar: ‘Hell Hath No Limits: the Tragedy of Doctor Faustus.’
7:00 PM Performance
The American Shakespeare Center will end their UT tour with a performance of Christopher Marlowe’s thrilling tragedy Doctor Faustus. Based on the classic German myth, the tale of Doctor Faustus chronicles one academic’s deal with the Devil to gain knowledge and power.
Marlowe weaves a shocking and contemporary tale of the struggle between good and evil, championing what is most daring in the human spirit. In his masterpiece that predates almost all of Shakespeare’s plays, Marlowe breathtakingly conjures Helen of Troy, the Seven Deadly Sins, angels, demons, and Lucifer himself, before dragging Faustus to Hell.
Tickets are available beginning Monday, February 2nd, 2015 at 9 a.m. in the University Honors Center (CRD 23).
Tickets are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
1. You must make your reservation in person in the University Honors Center (first come, first served).
2. You must arrive in CRD 23 for the pre-performance seminar no later than 5:15 pm with your student ID.
3. You must attend the educational seminar and performance in order to receive ticket.
4. Tickets will be distributed the evening of the performance.