Monthly Archives: February 2015

Project 2015: Volunteers and Team Leads

The Project, UT’s Largest Day of Service, is in 26 days!  We are recruiting 2200 volunteers and event staff (Team Leads) for February 28th.  Since January of 2013, we’ve been working with the Holly/East Cesar Chavez neighborhoods to get to know residents, map community resources, and to volunteer alongside a rapidly changing community.   After Project 2014 we had 1850 volunteers and 15 community organizations working at 36 sites, making a nearly $400,000 economic impact.  We’re proud to support the Austin community that supports UT so well, and we hope you’ll join us in giving back – we welcome all UT faculty, staff, alumni, and families!

To volunteer:

Are you a student interested in leading a piece of the event?  We’re looking for Team Leads who will manage some part of the day – applications are due 2/9!

Teach and Perform Shakespeare for Kids!

Info meeting this Wednesday for students who are interested in performing Shakespeare at Austin-area elementary schools.

Wednesday, February 4 at 6:00pm to 6:30pm

Calhoun Hall (CAL), 221204 21ST ST W, Austin, Texas 78705

Come learn about the Winedale Outreach Players. Join us as we travel around Austin to lead workshops and perform scenes from Shakespeare for elementary school children. This program provides its members invaluable experience both as an educator and a performer.

An information session will be held on Wednesday, February 4 from 6 to 6:30 p.m. in CAL 221. Members will be selected after an audition/interview process. If you are interested but unable to attend the session or if you have questions about the program please contact Allison at

College of Natural Sciences – Internal Transfer

For the first time ever, the College of Natural Sciences will be requiring an application for internal transfer to all CNS majors (EVS will retain a separate application).  The college recently published information about our internal transfer process, which includes requirements, courses that can be taken prior to acceptance, internal transfer session dates, FAQs, and much more.  The application opened this past Friday, and the submission deadline is April 15, 2015 at 5:00pm.

The college does not currently have the ability to meet with prospective internal transfer students on an individual basis, so it would be appreciated if all interested students were referred to the website and to internal transfer sessions.  The FAQs are quite extensive, but students are welcome to send any unaddressed questions to .  The internal transfer sessions are optional.  The first session was held last week, and we will hold at least three additional sessions during the spring semester.  These sessions are by RSVP only, so it is important for students to do so through the internal transfer session page.

Students of the World Organization

Students of the World is an organization dedicated to inspiring change through creativity. Our organization strives to bring together people of all creative and critical thinking fields, from film, social work, politics, photography, web and graphic design, to written essays and more.

This semester we will be hosting our first annual Documentary Festival, with prizes and local filmmaker judges. In addition, members interested in creating content will be assigned a mentor working in the professional creative field to advise them on their projects as well as with internships, resumes, and more.

Students of the World UT Chapter is a branch of a national non-profit in California that is partnered with Participant Media and Pivot TV, providing the college chapters the opportunity to have content distributed through them as well as the ability to network with the national organization and participate in nation-wide opportunities such as film challenges, internships, and media ambassadorships.

Info sessions:

Wednesdays, Feb. 4th and 11th, 9:00pm at CMA 3.114

Our website:

UTLA Program Now Accepting Applications

The Semester in Los Angeles (UTLA) application for Fall 2015 (and Spring 2016 & Summer 2016) is now open. The deadline to apply for Fall 2015 is Saturday, February 28th.

Two information sessions will be offered during this period:

Wednesday, February 4th@1:00PM in CMA 5.136

Tuesday, February 10th@3:30PM in CMA 5.136 

Beginning with this upcoming cycle, please note that the UTLA application will remain open throughout the year and students will be able to apply via rolling admissions. Thus, prospective students are no longer required to apply for Spring and Summer semesters in February. The tentative application deadline for the Spring 2016 semester is May 1st and the deadline for Summer 2016 is October 31st.

The UTLA program is open to all UT majors!  Students earn upper-division, in-residence course credit while taking courses and interning in Los Angeles.  For more information on the program, visit here.