If you are graduating and want to participate in the Lavender Graduation, please make sure that you register. They are also looking for volunteers, if you would like to support the GSC and this event. They’re hoping for an especially large turnout to honor the 10th anniversary of the GSC and the 8th Lavender graduation. Registration for the 8th Annual Lavender Graduation is now open! Registration: Lavender Graduation Ceremony: The Gender and Sexuality Center and the Texas Exes LGBT Network are pleased to invite you to the 8th annual Lavender Graduation at the University of Texas at Austin, on Wednesday, May 20th 2015. We are thrilled to announce that our keynote speaker for this year’s ceremony will be Monica Roberts, legendary blogger and activist. Anyone who will be attending the ceremony or Alumni Celebration should sign up here, and if you are planning on graduating, there is a second set of questions for you. If you have questions please contact the Gender and Sexuality Center at gsc@austin.utexas.edu or 512-232-1831. Not graduating, but would like to volunteer? Fill out the Volunteer Sign-Up Form! |
Registration for the 8th Annual Lavender Graduation is now open!
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