Have you ever thought you’d be good at helping other students with writing projects? If the answer is “yes”, apply to become a Course Specialist Consultant at the University Writing Center.
Course Specialist Consultants will be trained by the University Writing Center and assigned to a particular undergraduate class in their discipline. They will attend the class with enrolled students, develop an insider’s understanding of the course and the professor’s expectations, and conduct 45-minute consultations about writing in the University Writing Center. Students from the assigned class will have priority registration for consultations with their class’s consultant until the end of the term.
Course Specialist Consultants will earn $12/hour. They will be paid for 10 hours per week plus 35 hours of mandatory training (scheduled for 8/17/15-8/21/15).
1) a letter of interest that explains why you wish to work as a Course Specialist Consultant
2) a writing sample (3-5 pages) that you wrote for an academic course (preferably a course in your major area or a closely related discipline)
3) a brief reference (a few sentences will do) from a professor who is familiar with your writing ability
Please send all application materials to Alice Batt at uwc@utexas.edu by July 10.