There’s still time to apply to be a part of Peers for Pride this year and work towards intersectional LGBTQIA justice on campus AND get WGS/SW/TD course credit! This year we’ll be revisioning the program, so it’s a great time to get involved. Come and join us! More information below, and let me know if you have any questions.
Want to (learn to) facilitate performance-based conversations about LGBTQIA justice?
Apply now to become a peer educator with Peers for Pride and to take two courses for credit along the way!
In Peers for Pride we learn and perform LGBTQIA justice, including racial and gender justice, and give workshops around UT. Students in the program take a class in the fall and in the spring. We have a great time together while we make a difference on campus. No experience required!
The class this fall 2015 is WGS335/SW360K/TD357: Confronting LGBTQ Oppression, F 11:30-2:30
Taught by Dr. Kristen Hogan, Education Program Coordinator, Gender & Sexuality Center
Together, we’ll make a difference on campus by:
* Using theatre for dialogue to enact LGBTQIA justice;
* Naming how LGBTQIA oppression is interconnected with racism, sexism, classism, & ableism;
* Making campus safer for (& among) LGBTQIA folks.
Apply now:
Here’s how it works:
During the fall we learn about LGBTQIA people’s identities, naming of systems of oppression, and advocacy. At the end of the fall and the beginning of the spring we work together to create a series of performance-based workshops on LGBTQIA justice. And, in the spring, we put our knowledge to work across campus by facilitating these workshops in classes, for student organizations, in dorms, and at open trainings to make the campus safer for and among LGBTQIA folks.
Let me know if you have any questions, and I look forward to seeing your application!
Dr. Kristen Hogan