Apply for the Semester in Los Angeles (UTLA) Program
The deadline to apply for the Semester in Los Angeles (UTLA) program for Summer 2016 is Saturday, October 31st at 1:30pm CST. The UTLA program is open to all UT majors.
An information session will be held on the following date: Tuesday, October 20th@3:00PM CST in CMA 5.136.
This session will be general in nature and intended for anyone with questions about the program, online application, costs, L.A., etc. Phil Nemy, Executive Director of the UTLA program, will be hosting via video conference.
Future UTLA Application Deadlines:
Fall 2016 – February 15, 2016
Spring 2017 – May 2, 2016
For more information on the Semester in the Los Angeles Program (including a link to the online application), visit here.