Spring Career Planning & Internship Credit Courses


LA 101M, Unique #28975 | Wednesdays, 3:00-5:00 PM, FAC 18, 7-Week Course: January 27 – March 9, 2016

This career planning course is for students interested in learning to articulate the value of their major in whatever career path they pursue. Students will identify potential careers, understand their career-related strengths, write targeted resumes, practice interviewing, learn networking techniques and develop a strategic job or internship search plan.

Eligibility: open to Liberal Arts juniors and seniors who have taken at least 12 credit hours in their major.

How to Apply & Application Deadline: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at noon

This courses has a two-step application process. Review application details and access the application form here.

Course Detailshttp://www.utexas.edu/cola/lacs/students/courses/liberalarts-career.php 


LA 320wb, Unique #29025  |  Three-credit, upper-division course open to all eligible students with eligible internships

LA 110wb, Unique #28990  |  One-credit, lower-division course open to all eligible students with eligible internships that require credit

Description: The Liberal Arts web-based internship courses are designed to complement your internship experience. Assignments will be completed each week and uploaded to Canvas. Assignments include journals, reports, resume writing, evaluations and a final paper. Course communications are also managed via Canvas or by email.

Eligibility: College of Liberal Arts students, regardless of major, who meet the following requirements: You have a 2.25 or higher GPA; You have at least sophomore status (30+ hours) by the start of the course; You are registered with BTT Gateway; You are in good academic standing at UT Austin; and If you have taken any of the LA internship courses in a previous semester, you earned a passing grade in each course

Explore the internship site/program eligibility criteria here.

Hours Requirement:  You must intern a minimum of 10 hours per week for a minimum of 12 weeks during the 14-week semester.

How to Apply & Application Deadline: Friday, January 22, 2016 at 4:00 PM
Review the three-step application process and access the application forms at: LA 320wb or LA 110wb.

Course Detailshttp://www.utexas.edu/cola/lacs/students/courses/internship.php 


Contact Caleb Luna, internships@austin.utexas.edu or 512-471-7900.