Liberal Arts Career Services announces UT Law Week, November 2-5, 2015.
UT Law Week offers a series of presentations, workshops and events culminating in the annual Law Fair. If law school is in your future, or if you’re applying to law schools this year, Law Week is the best way to connect with law school professionals and to learn what you can do to develop a competitive application. Law Week events are open to all majors!
11/2 Law School Admissions Panel
Monday, November 2 | CLA 1.302B | 12 – 1:30 pm | Please join us for an Admissions Panel with admissions committee members from The University of Texas at Austin, University of Southern California, New York University, Northwestern University, & University of California: Berkeley for what promises to be an engaging panel discussion followed by the opportunity for Q&A.
11/3 Law School Crash Course
Tuesday, November 3 | FAC 18 | 11:30 am – 12:30 pm | Mark Levy, Assistant Attorney General and Plan II alumnus, will host a crash course on law school. This crash course is an introduction of what every student should expect during their first year as a law student.
11/4 Making the Most of the Law Fair
Wednesday, November 4 | FAC 18 | 12 – 1 pm | Do you want to know how to talk with law schools and ask the right questions at the Law Fair on November 5, 2015? If so, this workshop is for you!
11/4 Meeting the Deans
Wednesday, November 4 | CLA 1.302E | 6 – 7 pm | Emory, George Washington Law, and UCLA Law will host the first “Meet the Deans” workshop. They will discuss how to craft strong personal statements, choose the best writers for letters of recommendation,and choose the law school that best suits you.
11/5 Law Fair
Thursday, November 5 | Texas Union Ballroom | 10 am – 1 pm
Law Fair is an annual event that brings representatives from 100+ law schools to campus to recruit UT students. UT Law Fair is one of the largest school-sponsored law fairs in the nation! This is a unique opportunity to learn a great deal about many different law schools all in one day. Oftentimes the person at the booth is the same person who will be reading your application down the road! Law Fair is free and open to the public. Business casual dress is recommended. View the list of participating law schools here.