Deadline: February 5, 2016
- Russian
- Polish
- Czech
- Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian
- Ukrainian
- Bulgarian
- Persian/Tajik*
- Turkish*
- Romani*
- Yiddish*
Other languages may be added pending approval on a case-by-case basis. FLAS awards are available for both academic year (in residence at UT) and summer studies (at UT, abroad or elsewhere in the US). See our non-exhaustive list of FLAS eligible language programs!
*Applicants pursuing Persian/Tajik, Turkish, Romani, and Yiddish or any other languages for which they seek approval must show applicability to the study of our region, which includes the Balkans/Southeast Europe, Central/Eastern Europe, the Baltic states, Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus or the former Soviet sphere of influence.
- Data needed for the application form: name, status and classification at UT-Austin, UT issued EID, biographical and contact information, Texas residency status, citizenship information, academic information (major, department, advisor and contact information, GPA, etc), language of study and level of language study, career goal information, date of FAFSA submission, acknowledgments to release FAFSA information and abide by FLAS Fellowship requirements.
- Proof of FAFSA application submission (upload: screenshot or verification email) – NOT REQUIRED
- Two-page proposal addressing your interest in studying this language/area, how language study will aid your career and/or research goals. This may be single or double spaced, but is limited to two (2) pages! (Must include your name, EID, and which FLAS you are applying for on the statement, upload as PDF)
- Current CV limited to two (2) pages (upload as PDF)
- Copies of your current UT transcript, or most recent transcripts, if you are an incoming student (upload as a PDF). Incoming graduate applicants must include a copy of their GRE scores (upload as a PDF).
- The names and email addresses of two (2) recommenders.
NOTE: Applicants are responsible for providing correct email addresses and for giving their recommenders ample time (several weeks!) to agree to write and submit a letter of recommendation. It is preferred for recommendations to come from faculty and for at least one letter to speak to language learning abilities.
Upon submission of the application form, recommenders will receive an email with a link, where they will upload their recommendation letters for you. Recommenders will have an extra week (until February 12th) to submit their letters for your application
- Undergraduate Academic Year FLAS 2015-16 Application Form
- Summer FLAS Fellowship 2016 Application Form
If you have any questions please contact:
Agnes Sekowski, FLAS Coordinator for CREEES
Office: BUR 440 (M-F ~10:30am-5:30pm)
The University of Texas at Austin
2505 University Ave, Stop F3600
Austin, TX 78712
Tel. (512) 232-9123