Monthly Archives: February 2016

Breakthrough Austin

Are you looking for an exciting reason to stay in Austin this summer? Check out Breakthrough Austin, a local nonprofit organization that focuses on getting first generation college students the skills they need to be successful before, during, and after college. As a Breakthrough Teaching Fellow, you will be in charge of developing and delivering lessons to a class of about 10 middle school aged students. You will work closely with an Instructional Coach from an Austin-area school, and on a team with other college students from across the country. This is a paid internship, you will be a quarter time AmeriCorps member (and receive an education award upon completion of the program), and there is inexpensive housing provided by the program should you need it. The application is February 23rd so get started today!

COLA Scholarships


Applications are now being accepted for merit-based, research and study abroad scholarships for spring 2016!

See if you are eligible on the Liberal Arts scholarship website:  

Deadlines for most scholarships are February 15 or March 7, 2016.

Also this:

Are you a Liberal Arts student from any of these counties in Texas?






Red River



Wood County

You may be eligible for the  “Styles – Franklin County” scholarship: la/student-affairs/Programs/scholarships-hidden/Styles-Franklin-County-Scholarship.php

Applications are now being accepted!!  Deadline March 7, 2016.

Reacting to the Past Club Signup

Did you love Reacting? Have you wanted to take it but not had the chance? Join the LAH Reacting Club. Meetings will occur at 4 pm every other Wednesday. We will meet in  CLA 2.606, Normandy Scholars Room. We will play mini Reacting games and the setting will be pretty informal compared to Reacting classes (no papers, no grading, less structured). We’ll be holding the first meeting on February 17th so sign up below and come join us and have fun!  The first game we’ll play is the Mexican Revolution.  

Sign up here if you’d like to join.

LAH Book Related Events

Hi Everyone,

We have two book related events coming up:

LAH Book Drive:

Inside Book Projects LAH Volunteering:

Career Services on the Go

Liberal Arts Students – 

Do you need resume, internship or job search help but don’t have time to come to Liberal Arts Career Services? No problem, we’re coming to you.

We’ll be in the CLA from 12:00 – 1:00 PM on 

  • Tuesday, February 9
  • Wednesday, February 10
  • Thursday, February 11

Wondering how we can help you when you drop by? 

  • Bring your resume for a quick review
  • Make plans for your summer internship search
  • Get tips for your post-graduation career plans
  • Learn about law school or grad school planning

See you there!


The University of Texas at Austin | 512-471-7900 | | 

Free Speech Essay Contest

Students must write on one of two questions, one concerning Freedom of Speech in relation to Religious Expression; the other, Freedom of Academic Speech.

 On the Contest:

Essays must be between 1400-2500 words. The deadline for submissions is Monday, February 22nd, 2016.

First prize is $1500; second prize is $1000; third prize is $700. The first-prize essay will also be considered for possible publication in the College of Liberal Arts magazine, Life & Letters.

The contest is co-sponsored by the BB&T Chair for the Study of Objectivism and the Department of Philosophy. Complete details about rules and the specific essay questions are available at

Questions? Contact Clair LaVaye at

Thanks very much for your help in spreading the word.

Free Speech – Let’s talk about it …

The Liberal Arts Honors Study Abroad Scholarships

The Liberal Arts Honors Program will award scholarships in varying amounts to support LAH students and Humanities majors who will be studying abroad.  An LAH student may apply for this scholarship by writing a one-page statement of his or her study abroad plans. The statement should include where and what the student will be studying, the projected cost involved, and the role that study abroad and the mastery of a foreign language plays in the student’s academic and career goals.

Now is the time to apply for Liberal Arts Honors Study Abroad Scholarships! Deadlines are: 5:00 pm March 1 for Fall and Summer.

Please submit your application online through the study abroad online scholarship application, Global Assist and select “Get Started”. The website will prompt you to set up an online profile and show you a list of scholarships which criteria you meet. If you are applying for a study abroad program not affiliated with UT, please enter program code 300999.

Both LAH students and Humanities majors are eligible to apply for the LAH Study Abroad scholarship. Please contact the LAH office with any questions.

Political/Civic Start-Up Needs Focus Group Participants

I am a graduate of LAH who recently left a career at the Texas House of Representatives to establish my own political and civics-based startup. Since my startup endeavors to empower women in politics, I would like to recruit 7 to 9 young women from LAH to participate in my focus group. 

You do not have to be a government or political science major to participate, and the time commitment is light. The focus group will meet on campus for an hour a week and finish after two weeks. At each meeting, participants will be asked general questions about youth and women in politics. Furthermore, they will have the opportunity to be the first ones to see (and possibly test) the startup’s very first prototype. 

If you are interested in joining my focus group (and there will be food!), please reach out to me at or 512-888-6435. This focus group is a great way for potential entrepreneurs to get a glimpse into the world of startups, so I look forward to hearing from some of UT’s best and brightest!

Undergraduate research opportunity: From “Informants” to Intellectuals: Reframing Twentieth Century Nahua Participation in Academic Research

 From “Informants” to Intellectuals: Reframing Twentieth Century Nahua Participation in Academic Research 

McDonough, Kelly – Spanish & Portuguese

Starting on: As soon as possible


This project studies the representation of Mexican indigenous “informants,” collaborators, and authors in their own right during the twentieth century in anthropological and linguistic research (specifically related to Nahua culture, Nahuas being native speakers of Nahuatl – language of the Aztecs and more than 1.5 million people today). For the majority of the twentieth century many of the indigenous people who provided the information for academic studies were seen as sources of raw data that the “intellectual” academician would then analyze and interpret. In reframing indigenous peoples as intellectuals in their own right,  I argue for an expanded understanding of indigenous intellectualism addresses both the tensions and complementary nature of oral and written modes of creating and transmitting oral and written indigenous knowledges. At the same time, with this approach as example, I advocate for a return to early twentieth-century anthropological and linguistic studies in order to tease out and recover voices of indigenous intellectuals that can and should inform contemporary studies of Nahua culture.

Research assistants will identify linguistic and anthropological studies on/with Nahua people in the 20th century in pertinent journals; download and code essays for general topics; assess how the indigenous person who provided the source material (usually called an informant or collaborator, but sometimes author) is recognized in the essays. 


Required: Advanced proficiency in Spanish; knowledge of Word and Excel; basic research skills.

Preferred: Interest in Indigenous Studies

Time Commitment: Negotiable, usually 4-5 hours per week, less during midterms and finals

Duration: 2-4 months; research team meets one hour every other week

Compensation: Credit in the acknowledgments of the completed article

The sponsor of this project is available for meetings every other week

For more information please contact Kelly McDonough at

The Americas Project: Spring 2016 Events

We’re writing to extend a warm invitation to the spring events of The Americas Project (TAP).

Leonard Cassuto, Professor of American Literature at Fordham University, will visit as a special guest of TAP and give a lecture on Thursday, February 18 at 4:30 PM in CLA 1.302E. Cassuto is an expert on both crime fiction and academic culture. In addition to Hard-Boiled Sentimentality: The Secret History of American Crime Stories (Columbia, 2008), Cassuto edited The Cambridge History of the American Novel (2011) and The Cambridge Companion to Baseball (2011). Last fall, he published The Graduate School Mess: What Caused It and How We Can Fix It (Harvard, 2015). In it, he observes that “to pursue a professorship at the expense of all other options can hardly be called rational” and argues for a much more student-centered graduate education.

Rebecca Walkowitz, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the English Department at Rutgers University and current President of the Modernist Studies Association, will join us for the TAP Distinguished Lecture Series on Friday, April 1 at 4:00 PM in CLA 1.302E. Walkowitz has published Cosmopolitan Style: Modernism Beyond the Nation (2006) and, late last year, Born Translated: The Contemporary Novel in an Age of World Literature, in which she argues, “Like born-digital literature, which is made on or for the computer, born-translated literature approaches translation as medium and origin rather than as afterthought.” Walkowitz’s visit is co-sponsored by the Program in Comparative Literature.

Finally, Matthew Taylor, Associate Professor in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will give a second TAP Distinguished Lecture on April 22 at 4:30 PM in CLA 1.302E.  Taylor’s Universes without Us: Posthuman Cosmologies in American Literature (Minnesota, 2013) situates Edgar Allan Poe, Henry Adams, Charles Chesnutt, and Zora Neale Hurston in an alternative posthumanist tradition in which “both our separation from the universe and our identity with it are exposed as fantasies.” Taylor’s visit is co-sponsored by TILTS: Environmental Humanities.