Want to make a difference on campus, meet community, & build teaching skills?
Looking for classes on intersectional LGBTQA+ justice?
APPLY NOW to join Peers for Pride 16-17
& facilitate the Queer on Campus workshops!
No experience required!
- Take two WGS/S W/T D/AFR/MAS classes in ’16-17 with Dr. Kristen Hogan
- Learn about LGBTQA activism and oppression
- Name how LGBTQA oppression is interconnected with racism, classism, ableism
- Create & facilitate performance-based Queer on Campus workshops around UT
- Make campus safer for & among LGBTQA folks
- Have fun together!
Contact Dr. Kristen Hogan: hogank@austin.utexas.edu
Apply Now: tinyurl.com/PfPFall2016
Peers for Pride is a project of the Gender & Sexuality Center
Division of Diversity & Community Engagement
Peers for Pride is supported by the Center for Women’s & Gender Studies
& come experience what this is all about!
Queer on Campus: LGBTQA+ Justice Workshops
By Peers for Pride, Gender & Sexuality Center
5/2, Monday, 4:30-5:30, SAC 2.120 & 5/4, Wednesday, 3:30-4:45, SAC 1.106
Join us for an engaging workshop by undergraduate peer educators performing and facilitating discussion of fictional and realistic scenes of experiences of queer students on campus. This workshop will build your capacity to witness, describe, and practice bystander intervention in intersectional oppression of queer people on campus in order to make our campus safer and more inclusive.
Kristen Hogan, PhD; pronouns: she, her, hers
Education Coordinator
Gender & Sexuality Center
The University of Texas at Austin
“The fact is that there is no other work but the work of creating and re-creating ourselves within the context of community.” – M. Jacqui Alexander, Pedagogies of Crossing (Duke 2006)