I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that ACE is hiring tutors to serve for the 2016-17 school year. This is a great opportunity for students who don’t know what they want to do after graduation but would like to gain professional experience and stay in Austin!
If you know of any students who are looking to commit to a year of service as they apply for grad school, a career in non-profits, education, or want to practice their Spanish, please feel free to send them my contact information and this video to help them learn more. They receive an education award of $5,775 that can go towards grad school or student federal loans.
Click here to read the tutor position description and click here to learn about our application process. To learn more about ACE and the life-changing experience they would have as a tutor, watch the ACE video or visit the ACE Blog to learn what tutors have to say about their experience.
PS. Several LAHers have participated in ACE and enjoyed the process.