“Research for Historical Fiction” (part of UGS Research Week)
Friday, April 22, 2016, 3 p.m. in the Joynes Reading Room (CRD 007)
Three distinguished writers of historical fiction—Elizabeth Crook, Dominic Smith, and Karen Olsson—will discuss the research that helped them accurately and vividly depict the settings of their critically-acclaimed novels. Karen Olsson’s latest book, ALL THE HOUSES, is partly set in Washington DC during the Iran Contra Scandal. Dominic Smith’s latest book, THE LAST PAINTING OF SARA DE VOS, is set in 17th-century Holland. Elizabeth Crook’s latest book, MONDAY, MONDAY, is set at the University of Texas during the Charles Whitman shooting in 1966. The Joynes Room has a limited number of FREE BOOKS by each author, which we will give away in advance of the event. Books will be distributed on a first-come basis to honors students who inquire in person at the front desk of the Joynes Reading Room.
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