To support students preparing for careers as researchers, the Office of Undergraduate Research has created an informal certificate to recognize those who have participated in a series of research training workshops. As an informal certificate, it will not appear on your transcript. Certificate recipients attend five approved workshops, with at least one workshop in each of three areas: research preparation, research methods, and research communication. Students who attend the required number of workshops will be recognized at the end of each academic year with a printed certificate listing the workshops they attended.
Students who would like to opt into this certificate should provide the OUR with their information, along with a list of previously attended workshops.
The following recent and upcoming workshops count toward the requirements of the certificate. Each workshop belongs to at least one of the three categories that must be represented in the certificate: research preparation (RP), research methods (RM), and research communication (RC). Please also refer to the most up-to-date list of upcoming workshops organized by the PCL, many of which satisfy certificate requirements, as well as the list of upcoming OUR info sessions and poster workshops.