Apply Now for Fall WGS/AFR/MAS/SW/TD Course & LGBTQA+ Justice Program
Want to make a difference on campus, build teaching skills, & meet community?
Looking for classes on intersectional LGBTQA+ justice?
APPLY NOW to Join Peers for Pride 16-17:
& Facilitate the Queer on Campus Workshops
No Experience Required! Applications accepted until the course is full.
* Take WGS335/AFR372D/MAS374/SW360K/TD357T: Confronting LGBTQA+ Oppression this fall and the second course in spring 2017 with Dr. Kristen Hogan
* Get your COURSE FLAGS in Cultural Diversity in the United States and Ethics and Leadership
* Learn more about LGBTQA+ activism & how it’s connected with racial, class, & dis/ability justice
* Create & FACILITATE performance-based Queer on Campus workshops around UT
* Consider what health queer communities look like
* Make campus safer for & among LGBTQA+ folks
* Have FUN together!
Here’s what former students have to say about Peers for Pride and being peer educators:
“Peers for Pride has been one of my most meaningful experiences in college. I have become much more comfortable having difficult conversations with people, have an easier time expressing my opinion on different topics, and feel that I have grown not only as an ally to identities that I did not know much about before, but that I am now able to help others begin or advance their personal journey of allyship.” – Peers for Pride Peer Educator, 14-15
“Through brainstorming multiple answers, strategies and possible outcomes to a moment of struggle, a moment of oppression or injustice, I use my facilitation as a rehearsal for life for myself and the audience.” – Bex Orton, Peers for Pride Peer Educator, 15-16
“I teach because it is also my goal to educate other queer people to be good allies to others within the queer community. For example, during my facilitation portion of one of the open workshops, I explained that it is important to think about racial identity within queer communities and how standards of beauty within society, i.e. heteronormative standards, affect our interactions with other queer people.” – Ruben Sáenz, Peers for Pride Educator, 15-16
Apply Now:
Questions? I look forward to hearing from you at
Peers for Pride is a project of the Gender & Sexuality Center: Serving Women & LGBTQA Communities
Peers for Pride is supported by the Center for Women’s & Gender Studies
Kristen Hogan, PhD | Pronouns: she, her, hers
Education Coordinator
Gender & Sexuality Center: Serving Women & LGBTQA Communities
The University of Texas at Austin
512.232.1790 |
Author of The Feminist Bookstore Movement: Lesbian Antiracism & Feminist Accountability (Duke University Press 2016)
“The fact is that there is no other work but the work of creating and re-creating ourselves within the context of community.” – M. Jacqui Alexander, Pedagogies of Crossing (Duke University Press 2006)