Daily Archives: August 24, 2016

CIA Information Sessions

Central Intelligence Information Session

The CIA will be on campus and we have many open hiring requirements across various disciplines. Join this information session to learn about the analyst and other non-operations career opportunities. 

Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Time: 7:00 – 8:00 PM

Location: CLA 1.302B

The CIA is the premier agency responsible for providing global intelligence on the ever-changing political, social, economic, technological and military environment. Here, your paramount goal and mission will be to protect the national security of the United States. Virtually any job you can imagine is available at the CIA — plus, some you can’t even imagine.




CIA Director of Operations Information Session

*Formally known as Clandestine Service

Are you interested in being on the front lines of human intelligence collection and applying your foreign language skills and cultural insights in support of operations worldwide? 

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016

Time:  5:30 – 7:00 PM

Location: Liberal Arts Career Services, FAC 18

Explore this event and register: https://www.myinterfase.com/lacs/event_view.aspx?token=R9CWYodchhlqXreFFrc+Qg%3d%3d

The Directorate of Operations’ (DO) mission is to strengthen national security and foreign policy objectives through the clandestine collections of human intelligence and by covert action as directed by the President. CIA DO Officers recruit the human sources who provide the foreign intelligence that cannot be collected any other way and that is needed by US policymakers, the military, and law enforcement services to protect the national security and policy interests of the US. There are several careers in the DO (all trained to recruit sources and write intelligence reports) as follows:

·         Operations Officers:  On the front line of human intelligence collection.  Clandestinely recruit and handle sources of foreign intelligence worldwide.

·         Collection Management Officers:  (link to US foreign policy community and Intelligence Community analysts).  Must have a solid understanding of international issues and overseas operating environments.  Manage the collection, evaluation and dissemination of foreign intelligence information.

·         Staff Operations Officer:  (link to headquarters, acting as an advocate for all operational support ).  Guide, coordinate and support overseas intelligence operations to ensure they are run safely, smoothly and productively. Have a thorough understanding of operations and develop areas of expertise such as terrorism, counter-proliferation or a geographic region.

·         Operational Targeting Officer:  Directly support and drive complex worldwide operations to develop actionable intelligence against the highest priority threats to US national security.

·         DO Language Officer:  Apply advanced foreign language skills as well as cultural insight to provide high-quality translation, interpretation and support to a variety of DO operations worldwide. Applicants with mission-critical languages are highly encouraged to apply.

Journalism Course Open for Non-Journalism Students

J 355F Living in the Information Age

Living in the Information Age will examine information technologies with particular emphasis on social and mobile media. In particular, this course will examine how digital and mobile technologies are used by the Millennial Generation and with what effects. The goal of the course is to understand how the communication and information technologies evolve and the cultural, economic, political and social implications of such technologies for society.

If you are interested in taking this course could also contact the Journalism advising office, 512-471-1553, with your eid and they’ll clear you to add the course.