Have you ever wanted to travel to Brazil or thought about taking Portuguese classes, but weren’t sure how to get started? Join us for a hands-on workshop that will show you that you really can learn to speak Portuguese! The workshop will introduce you to the tools to start speaking and understanding the Portuguese language along with Portuguese resources at The University of Texas. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to practice speaking Portuguese over coffee and Brazilian snacks.
The workshop will be led by Vivian Flanzer, coordinator of UT’s Portuguese Language Program since 2001 and creator of the website ClicaBrasil.
The workshop is free and open to UT faculty, staff, and students. Beginners or early intermediate speakers only. No prior knowledge of Portuguese is necessary; at least an intermediate level of Spanish is recommended.
Registration required by October 17: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/workshop-introduction-to-portuguese-for-spanish-speakers-tickets-27937279154