We are hosting our annual Capture the Flag at the Capitol on October 19th. We’ll meet at 6:45 at Carothers and walk to the Capitol together, picking up people at Jester along the way.
Daily Archives: October 6, 2016
USAID Payne Fellowship Application Announcement: Oct. 1, 2016- Jan. 20, 2017
It is with great pleasure that we announce the opening of the USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship Program 2017 application! The application can be found at www.paynefellows.org and will remain open until January 20, 2017.
The Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship seeks to prepare young people for careers in international development as Foreign Service Officers in USAID. USAID has expanded the program, which selected three fellows in 2013, and will offer up to ten fellowships in 2017. The best way for potential applicants to learn more about the programs is through our website at www.paynefellows.org. They can also feel free to contact us directly by e-mail (paynefellows.org) or phone (202-806-5952). We are pleased to answer any questions.
The Payne Fellowship Program provides benefits of up to $94,000 over two years toward a two-year master’s degree, arranges internships in Washington D.C. and at USAID missions overseas, and provides professional development and support activities leading to employment in USAID. Fellows may use the fellowship to attend a two-year master’s program in a U.S. institution to study an area of relevance to the USAID Foreign Service, including international relations, public policy, agriculture, environmental sciences, health, business administration, economics, or urban planning at a graduate or professional school approved by the Payne Program. At the end of the two-year fellowship, Fellows enter the USAID Foreign Service. The Payne Fellowship encourages the application of members of minority groups who have historically been underrepresented in international development careers and those with financial need. Applicants must be college seniors or graduates looking to start graduate school in the fall of the year they apply, have GPAs of at least 3.2 and be U.S. citizens. The program welcomes applications from those with any undergraduate major.
Thank you for your support in spreading the word about this truly life-altering opportunity.
In truth and service,
MaRaina Montgomery
Program Administrator
USAID Donald M. Payne Int’l Development Program
Office: (202) 806-5952
Hot Science – Cool Talks: Chris Kirk
Primates and rainforests in West Texas? Dr. Kirk takes us millions of years back and discovers a time when, if you were walking through parts of Texas, you would hack your way through hot, tropical rainforests and encounter curious primates. Registration is required to attend this event: www.hotsciencecooltalks.org.
Hot Science – Cool Talks #103
Some Like It Hot, Hot, Hot: When Primates Roamed Texas Rainforests
Dr. Christopher Kirk, Professor of Anthropology, UT Austin
Friday, October 21, 2016
5:45 – 6:45 p.m. Interactive Community Science Fair
7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Talk (includes Q & A session)
Student Activity Center (SAC) Auditorium
All participants must be registered to attend. Check-in opens at 5:45 p.m. The optional interactive Community Science Fair features engaging hands-on activities and is included with the registration.
A new ticket option is available for those who only wish to attend the Community Science Fair without staying for the talk. It is the perfect option for those families with young children!
You can also watch the live webcast on Friday, October 21st at www.hotsciencecooltalks.org.
Presented by the Environmental Science Institute (ESI) at The University of Texas at Austin, the Hot Science – Cool Talks series is a venue for leading researchers to share their scientific discoveries with the public, K–12 science educators and their students. The series consists of six free public lectures each year, reaching an annual audience of more than 2,500.