Primates and rainforests in West Texas? Dr. Kirk takes us millions of years back and discovers a time when, if you were walking through parts of Texas, you would hack your way through hot, tropical rainforests and encounter curious primates. Registration is required to attend this event:
Hot Science – Cool Talks #103
Some Like It Hot, Hot, Hot: When Primates Roamed Texas Rainforests
Dr. Christopher Kirk, Professor of Anthropology, UT Austin
Friday, October 21, 2016
5:45 – 6:45 p.m. Interactive Community Science Fair
7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Talk (includes Q & A session)
Student Activity Center (SAC) Auditorium
All participants must be registered to attend. Check-in opens at 5:45 p.m. The optional interactive Community Science Fair features engaging hands-on activities and is included with the registration.
A new ticket option is available for those who only wish to attend the Community Science Fair without staying for the talk. It is the perfect option for those families with young children!
You can also watch the live webcast on Friday, October 21st at
Presented by the Environmental Science Institute (ESI) at The University of Texas at Austin, the Hot Science – Cool Talks series is a venue for leading researchers to share their scientific discoveries with the public, K–12 science educators and their students. The series consists of six free public lectures each year, reaching an annual audience of more than 2,500.